Chapter 2

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Olivia North

I walked out from the building and asked the valet to get my car. I am fuming. I wanna punch something or someone. Why is this happening? From where did he get those kinds of ideas? Was it from my brother Zac? No. I'm sure he's not behind all this because from what I know about him, is that he often changes girls than changing his bed sheet. Besides, that brother of mine is so overly protective about me. Anyway, speaking of my brother, is he here? I was about to call him when my car arrived.

I thanked the valet and hopped inside my car. Where to go? Is it going to rain? Why is the cloud so dark? I checked the time and its 5pm already. No wonder its dark, but seriously it took me 3 hrs to talk to dad? Or was our staring contest that long? Hmmm. Anyway, I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and called my bestfriends.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hold on, let me call Jowee." I stated.

"What happened?" Jowee said.

"Merge." I commanded my phone.

"What did your father tell you?" Jowee asked.

"Come to my apartment, I'll tell you everything." I said.

"What is going on? What happened?" Erin asked. Yes, she's my other bestfriend.

"Just come to my apartment and bring clothes and food. Bye." I stated.

"Ok. Bye." They said in unison.

5 minutes later, I arrived at my apartment building. I gave my keys to the valet and went straight up to my safe haven. I opened my door and switched on the lights, put my shopping bags to the floor and went towards my floor to ceiling window that overlooks the whole city. I then texted my bestfriends that Im already here. No, before you asked, I am not living in the penthouse. It's just that that my pad is at the 25th floor. I walked to my room and decided to take a shower to somewhat calm my nerves and brain. I sighed and put my head on my hand. I need to think of a plan because I will not heed to my father's demands. I have to know what his next moves are if I wanted to succeed.

"Olivia! Where are you! We're here!" I woke up at Jowee's voice.

"I'm here. I was napping." I said loudly while going out of my room. I found them in my kitchen eating pizza. They offered me a bottled water and I gulped half of it.

"Geez, Livy. Slow down, we don't want you choking here." Erin commented in an amused voice while I took a slice of cheeseburger pizza. We ate in silence and after that we went to my couch with the box of pizza. They both seated beside me.

"So, what does your father's reason?" Erin asked. I knew that Jowee already told her on their way here.

I looked at her and pouted. "Well, apparently, he wanted me to start working in that goddamn company of his and marry a guy named..." I paused, trying to think of his name. I tilted my head to the right and said, "Nicholas?"

Jowee's jaw dropped and said, "You're kidding?" I have a feeling that she's taken aback on the second reason.

"I wish I am but I am not. I don't get why he's doing all this." I replied exasperatedly.

"Well for the first one, you really need to work, Livy. You can't deny the fact that you're the daughter of the owner a multibillion dollar company. He just wants you to know how to run your business and what goes on in your company." Erin said and I rolled my eyes.

"But I don't want to work there. I'm fine with everything that is going on in my life right now. Besides, Zac is already there. He's already the President of that bloody company and he's doing a great job being one. They actually don't need me there." I exclaimed and leaned back against the sofa while crossing my hands across my chest.

"Livy, Erin is right. You have to work in your dad's company whether you like it or not. Also, it's time for you to do something other than shopping, going to events, and whatnot. Don't waste your master's degree. It's time for you to utilize it." Jowee explained. I furrowed my eyebrows because I hate to admit it but they're right about that fact.

I pouted as I leaned my head to them and put my arms on their shoulders.

"But on the second one, I don't get why?" Erin broke the silence.

"Right!" I said while facing her. "I mean, I am only 23 years old and I am not in the marrying age. If there is someone who needed to get married, it is my brother Zac. He is in the right age of marrying. Also, he's a playboy, it is only right for dad to arrange his marriage to someone if he still continues his playboy ways." I said and I did not fail to see the slight widening of her eyes when I said those.

"You know what, you're right. Between you and Zac, he is the one should be in that predicament, not you." Jowee commented while yawning. "Did you ask your why he asked you to marry that Nicholas guy?" she continued.

"Nope, I didn't. Because right after that Nicholas offered me his hand to shake, I walked out of the old man's office." I said

"YOU MET HIM?!" I closed my eyes and covered my ears as they asked in a loud voice. Oh yeah right I forgot to tell them that I met that man.

My ears oh my god.

"Yes. A while ago." I said and leaned forward to get another slice of pizza.

"And you didn't even bother to tell us?" Jowee asked as if this is a life and death situation, which kinda sums up my current situation.

"I forgot ok. I was hungry and I just woke up." I said flatly.

"What does he look like?" Erin asked.

"He's ok, I guess. Not my type at all." I said while munching.

"What's his fullname? Let's look him up." Jowee asked while picking her phone on the coffee table.

"I forgot. I was fuming with anger a while ago to remember that man's name." I admitted and picked up the remote to turn on the tv.

"You know what, Im done talking about this. Let's just watch a movie and call it a night." I added while placing my head on Erin's shoulder.

What do you think about Erin and Jowee? Are they good friends to Olivia? Hmmm? Anyway, what's going on in your country right now? Are the number of COVID19 infected people are getting low or getting high? Here in my country, it's getting high and our government decided to partially lift our community quarantine, meaning 50% of workers are to be deployed and 50% are working from home, and it is scary.

Well, do you like this chapter? Please give this a vote, it would mean so much.

Thanks and stay safe.



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