Chapter 58

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Niccolo Knights

I couldn't stop smiling even when I arrived at my hotel room. Just the fact that I got to hold her again in my arms even for a tiny bit of second made me happy. Of course I wouldn't want to violate her but when she opened the door smiling, I lost all of my manners and did what I wanted to do.

I was actually standing by her door for a good ten minutes because I was nervous. I couldn't think of anything to say but when a delivery guy asked me if I live in the unit, I nodded and he just handed me the food and I paid for it. I smiled at myself and thank God for helping me.

The hollowness in her eyes were now gone and I can see again the changing of emotions in them. Irritation, confusion, internal debate, and hesitation when she was about to slap me.

Actually, I've gotten so happy when she tried to slap me because it meant that she's acknowledging my presence now. I mean, of course I didn't like that kind of acknowledgement but at least there's progress between us.

My phone rang and I answered it quickly when I saw mom's name.

"Hi mom." I greeted her cheerfully.

"Have you talked to Olivia already?" I sighed and chuckled.

"Yes mom, in fact I just went to her apartment minutes ago." I told her because knowing mom, she will not stop until she won't get any news.

"What did she say? Is she still mad? Is she missing Dylan? Did she forgive you already?"

"Mom, she just wanted me to get out, okay." I didn't tell her everything because she will just lecture me about personal space and/or consent.

"What did you do, Nick? Did you forced yourself to enter her apartment?" She asked hysterically.

See what I was talking about?

"Yes mom, because that was the only way to make her listen to me." I told her and she just sighed disapprovingly.

"Nick, it's not gentlemanly. You should've asked for her approval first. Next time ask her first, okay?" Mom reprimanded me and I thought to myself, if I ask her then I wouldn't be able to talk to her.

"Okay mom. Anyway, how's Dylan?" I asked mom because for these past months, he's been quite difficult to deal with. He often throws tantrums and seek for Olivia and we couldn't control him anymore.

"He's having a nap now. He finished his vegetables awhile ago, you know, and he asked me when will you be coming back." Mom said and I just sighed because I really didn't know when will I come back because I will be staying here in Dubai to woo Olivia.

"What did you tell him?" I asked mom and sighed.

"I told him that you're in another country and that you'll be back by next week." Mom said and I nodded. That's my plan, in every two weeks, I'll be coming home for three days to spend time with Dylan. I didn't want him to feel that I'm neglecting him.

He's still a baby, and he won't understand what's going on with me and Olivia.

"Thank you, mom." I told her sincerely.

"You're welcome, Niccolo, and good luck. Always remember what your Nana told you, that sincerity is the best key, okay?" Mom reminded me and I smiled then she disconnected.

Before I went here, Nana and I had a talk. She was actually the one who told me to give Olivia some space that's why even though I've been dying to come here, I controlled myself and remembered what Nana told me. That people need time to think and if I push myself to Olivia, she'll be harder to reach more, that's why I waited for a couple of weeks to come here.

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