Chapter 37

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Olivia North

I woke up when my phone started ringing. I tried reaching for it at the bedside table because the giant koala was snuggling at me then I saw Zac’s name in the caller ID. I rolled my eyes and answered it.

“Why are you calling in this ungodly hour?” I whispered annoyed.

“Where is the file for Imaje, Olivia?” What’s with the angry tone? And why was he working in 6am on Sunday?

“I cannot believe you woke me up for that in a Sunday morning. Can’t this wait til tomorrow?” I laid comfortably in Nick’s bed and faced him. I caressed his face and brushed his hair; he tightened his hugged on me. Then I heard Zac’s angry voice again.

“Olivia! I am asking you for fuck’s sake.” I winced when I heard him curse.

“Okay fine, it’s in my desk in the office. Geez, you didn’t have to shout and curse this early in the morning. What’s up in your ass, Zac?” I asked annoyed.

“Shut up.” And then he ended the call. I looked at my phone to check if he really hung up on me. My God, what’s with him this early morning? Doesn’t he have a life? Why does he always work in weekends? Geez, I feel sorry for his secretary, she has to put up with that kind of grouch boss.

I sighed and checked my phone; there I saw few notifications from Jowee and Adolph. I looked at Adolph’s text and he said he’s set to fly here in the country for a business meeting and he will be staying for this week. I smiled widely and I checked my calendar to see if I am available. I replied to him that I am free Thursday afternoon and that I am looking forward to seeing him.

After replying to other texts and checking my social media, I turned my attention to the person who is still hitting the hay sack. I know I’ve already said it a thousand times, but I am so thankful that Dad made me agree to marry this awesome man. I consider myself lucky for having a boyfriend like him and a future husband. Compared to my past relationships, Nick was the only one who treated me with respect, who made me feel special, and who really has a genuine care for me. He made me feel like I am special not because of my money and status but because I am me.

Last night, after his parents called us for dessert, he refused to have it instead he wanted to go home and not stay the night because he said and I quote, “Olivia does not deserve to be disrespected in this household not because she’s my girlfriend and my son’s mom but because she’s a decent person who did nothing but be nice to everyone.”

I persuaded him to stay because I didn’t want him to distance himself from his family because of me. That’s just wrong for my side and besides, I am fine, I actually did not take it Mrs. Knights words against me because I know that she’s just protecting her loved ones.

After several persuasion, he agreed to stay the night, but he never left my side even once, he kept me by his side by encircling his arm around my waist even when where sitting down. He accompanied and waited for me outside the toilet when I did my business. He really was a man of his words because until we all retire to bed, he never leave my side and I’m grateful for that.
I brushed his soft hair away from his face then stroke his thick perfectly shaped eyebrows, which gives me the scare whenever he’s mad, I then stroke thick lashes, that makes my heart skip a beat whenever he give one of his winks, and then to the tip of his nose, which gives me tingling feeling every time it grazes my shoulder or skin. I looked at his lips and remembered how he expertly used those to make my knees go weak whenever we’re kissing. The way his tongue danced rhythmically with mine sent shivers down my spine.

His face, it gives me comfort, security, and peace, it’s like every time I see him, he gives me calmness and I don’t know how he does that. None in my past relationships made me feel like that, only him. I guess that’s what love does, it gives you a sense of contentment when you find the one. For me, he’s my the one, and I will fight whoever hinder me to be with him. I promised this to Dylan, and I promise this to Niccolo, I will ruin that person if he/she tried to take them away from me.

I just hope that my brother finds his own the one, be it with Erin or anyone. I want someone to take care of him, someone who will remind him that he needed to go home to take a rest, someone who will occupy his mind by her presence not just work.

Just like what dad used to tell us, that mom always call him every lunch to make sure he’s eaten or to remind him it’s lunch time, that she will personally fetch him whenever he’s extending his work hours til 9pm, that she will force him to have fun and loosen up. I want my brother to experience these, I want him to be happy just like what I am feeling right now.

I am in complete bliss with Niccolo and Dylan.

I looked at the wall clock to check the time, it’s already 7:30 am, it’s time to wake this sleeping beauty up. I gently shook him and called his name, but he was not moving, I peppered kisses on his face but still, it’s not working.

“Niccolo, wake up. Wake up, babe. Okay fine.” I shifted to assist myself to stand up but he immediately hugged me tighter. He snuggled on to the crook of my neck and spoke huskily.

“You’re so impatient.” He hugged me tighter and took a deep breath.

“Seriously, how can I not be so impatient if the person I am waking up was pretending to be asleep.” I told him and tried to push him away from me so I can see his face. He looked at me and he just turned us around, I squealed when he did that.

I was now laying on top of his body, he put my legs on either side of his body, so now I look like a frog on top of him. I put my hands on the sides of his face to balance myself.

“Niccolo! Geez don’t do that again, what if I accidentally hit you in the face?!” I exclaimed quietly so I won’t wake up the people in this house. He just chuckled and kissed me on the lips.

“You always hit me and now you’re concerned about accidentally hitting me. I have indeed a weird girlfriend.” He said playfully and I removed the morning eye dirt in his inner corner of his eye.

I rolled my eyes at him and tried to release myself from his hold, but he gripped me tighter.

“Niccolo, we have to get up, it’s already 7:30 in the morning.” I said and he immediately sat up with me on top of him, it’s like I didn’t even weigh. He really worked out his core, huh.

From lying on top of him, I am now straddling him. Geez, this man is being playful this morning, I won’t complain because I like it.

“Why are you so eager to go out? Aren’t you tired of them insulting you?” he asked me seriously and I just smiled at him, I brushed his hair before I spoke.

“Nick, believe it or not, I understand Mrs. Knights, she was just looking out for the two of you. She’s just making sure that both of his grandson and great grandson are in good hands. If you think it kills me to be treated that way, then you’re wrong because she has the right to correct me, I mean look, I wouldn’t have known that my babies are allergic to shrimps and mushroom. So stop being a grumpy old man.” I was going to pinch his cheeks when he rested his head on my chest and hugged me.

“But she could be friendly. she didn’t have to treat you like you’re someone who is not worth of respect.” He was frowning when he looked at me. I smiled because I found it so adorable, I stroke his forehead to remove his frown.

“Maybe she was just testing me. Nick, stop it okay. It’s not good that you’re rising your voice to Mrs. Knights, she is your Nana.” I held his face with my hands and shook it gently.

“Ok fine, but if she crossed the line again, I won’t listen to you anymore.” I nodded at him and smiled.

“Why do I have a very kind girlfriend?” he asked huskily and that was sexy.

“Because you’re lucky.” I replied casually.

“Well, can my kind girlfriend give me a proper kiss to start my day right?” he asked and I just shook my head. I was planning to tease him first.

“Come on, Livy.” He pouted and I gave him a peck on his lips. I tried getting out of his embrace, but he didn’t budge. He narrowed his eyes on me and I laughed. This was what I was waiting for, his so-called tantrum face. If anyone would see him right now, no one would ever think that he’s a successful businessman who became Forbes magazine cover for 30 under 30.

He sighed in frustration and I guess it’s time to give my giant baby his candy. I held his face and I inched closer, I gave him a seductive eye and peppered kisses on his face, neck, and on his Adams apple. He groaned when I licked his Adams apple up until the lower part of his lower lip and kissed it. I felt his hands gripped my waist. Yup, I want you that kind of reaction. I want to mark his mind that I am the only one who can give him that kind of reaction, not Rebecca or any women, only Olivia North.

He tried to capture my lips but I tugged his hair to make him look at me. I smiled at him seductively and roamed my eyes to his face.

“Olivia.” He whispered in a pained voice and I just widened my smile. That’s more I like it.

I leaned my face on to him until our lips are millimeter apart. I looked him in the eye and whispered.
“Who am I?”

“Olivia.” I didn’t know if he was calling me or answering my question, so I asked again.

“Who am I?”

“Olivia North.” Very good, my love. Very good.

I crashed my lips against him as if trying to destroy his mouth, I wanted him to taste my mouth so that every time he would look at my mouth, he will remember what it tastes like. He squeezed my bum to tell me that he was enjoying the kiss, so I continued to claim his mouth hungrily and intensely. Then my hand fisted his hair and I earned a moan from him I pulled him more to me as is I was scared to lose him.

Then he fought for dominance he held my nape to steady my head and I let him. Contrary to what I gave him, he kissed me softly and delicately as if I am a fragile human being. My heart beat faster when he thrusted his tongue in my mouth gently. My hear beat was in frenzy and my toe curled, my senses got knocked out when he deepened the kiss even more. Before I know what I was doing, I slipped my hands under his shirt and felt his hot yet smooth skin. I wanted to feel every in of his body.

I moaned when he kissed the soft spot on my neck, my whole body tingled when he sucked the right spot on my neck, he wrapped his arms around me possessively while my hands stayed on his bare chest. This is the best feeling in the world, to be kissed by the man you love and to be in his arms.

“OH MY GOD!” We both looked at the door and I saw Tessa with very shocked face while she’s covering Dylan’s eyes. I immediately hid my face on Nick’s chest while he put his arm on my head to hid me from his sister.

“Are Mommy and Daddy kissing?” Dylan asked and I gasped when I heard it.

“Theresa, GET OUT!” Nick said sternly

“Breakfast is ready in 30 minutes.” Then I heard the closing of the door.

“Baby, they’re gone now, Olivia.” I kept hiding my face on his chest but he was stronger than me so he managed to make me look at me. he lifted my face with his index finger and looked at him.

“You’re red as a tomato. Oww.” He chuckled and I hit his arm.

“Third time.” He tilted his head no knowing what I just said. “This is the third time your family sees us making out.” I whispered the last part. Why does it have to his family, huh. Why?! Now what would they think of me? Oh my God. I stood up from Nick and went to the bathroom ignoring his calls. I splashed my face with water to remove the redness. I then proceed to my morning routine and changed my clothes.

After I was done, I exited the bathroom and saw Nick leaning on the wall waiting for me to get out. He has changed his pyjamas into casual attire. I think he got ready on the other bathroom.

“Are you okay now?” he asked concerned. I smiled at him and hugged his torso.
“Yes. Can we please not kiss whenever we’re with your family?” I looked at him and je looked at me like I’ve grown another head.

“What?! No. Not gonna happen.” He sat on the bed, I stood between his legs and lifted his face to look at me.

“Niccolo, I don’t think I can handle one more of your family member seeing us being so affectionate with each other, like making out. Please.” I begged him and sat on his lap. He just sighed and mumbled, “We’ll talk about this later.”

We headed to the dining area and saw Esme, Tom, and Dylan already sitting waiting for us. I apologized at them for being late but they said it was fine. Last night, I learned that Mrs. Knights live across their house so she’s not here this morning.

I looked at Tessa and she was smiling at me, I choked on my food and Nick gave me his glass of water and patted my back. I assured them that I was okay but when I looked at Tessa again, she just wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Seriously, I wonder what will happen if she and Jowee met? I would be chaotic, loud, and full of sassiness. Maybe I can invite Tessa sometime to have a sleepover with us. I think it’s good.

After breakfast, I helped Esme and Tessa clearing out the dishes, I volunteered myself to wash it but my grumpy boyfriend prevented me so he volunteered instead. So three of us went to grocery then Tessa couldn’t get over the shock that Nick volunteered to was the dishes because he hated doing it.

“Really? The first time he stayed in my apartment, he volunteered to wash the dishes.” I said while we were in the car.

“No way, Olivia.” She really couldn’t believe it huh.

I just smiled at her and winked.

The rest of the morning, we wandered around the grocery shop and Esme told me what kinds of food Nick and Dylan eats, which is their favorite brand, how to know if the fruit was fresh, the kitchen essentials. She showed me what home/kitchen basics to buy. She kept asking me if she was boring me but I just shook my head and smiled at her. Unknowingly to her, I was enjoying, through her, I learned what to buy and what not to buy.

After grocery shopping, we stopped by a coffee shop. She and Tessa was greeted by an elder woman, then the woman noticed me and asked Esme my name.

“This Olivia, Niccolo’s girlfriend. They’re here for Elly’s birthday party yesterday.” Esme told the woman and the woman extended her hand at me.

“Hello Olivia, I am Sophia. The owner of this coffee shop.” I shook her hand and smiled at her.

“Hello Sophia. I must say, you have a very cozy shop.” She laughed and took our orders.

Esme paid all of our drinks and at first I refused but she said that, “Mother’s treat their children.” That’s what my mom used tell me when I was still a child. Before I could react any further, I hugged Esme immediately thanked her.

I looked at the sky and smiled.

Mom, I am in good hands.

Hello, loves.

Did you enjoy this chapter? If you did, please vote and comment.

Anyway, this chapter was not part of my story outline but my brain just wanted to add some steamy sesh of Niccolo and Olivia. I wanted to also show you how possessive our favorite heiress gets when she claimed someone or something as hers.

Moreover, I want to show that the Knights family, except Nana, already welcomed Olivia in their family. I am also building the relationship between her and Esme, have you noticed? Hehehe. Anyway, please vote for my story.

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