Chapter 66

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Olivia North

I will kill you, Zachary North!

I mumbled to myself while reviewing the mountain of folders in front of me.

What he did, you ask? He just passed on to me the most tiring and hardest engagement we have, as of the moment.

Apparently, he wanted to open a textile branch in Tanzania. However, we're having trouble in securing business permit and permit to operate with their internal revenue office.

We've already secured an engagement with a company in Tanzania that specializes in these kinds of jobs. However, due to time differences, I have to stay awake or wake up earlier whenever we have had meeting with the group.

Also, add the part where my insensitive jerk of a brother gave us--- me and the team in Tanzania, a deadline to secure all the necessary documents in opening our branch there. The deadline he set was only 30 days including weekends!

Geez! That's why I also work in weekends which gives me a little amount of time to spend with my boys, Nick and Dylan.

Fortunately, Nick was so understanding and he opted for me and Dylan to spend time together whenever I have free time. He said that he's fine if I bond with our son since he still doesn't understand the situation.

However, I always make it a point to squeeze him in my schedule such as having meals together and lots of make out sesh.

There was a time when we were lip locking in my office and my annoying brother abruptly barged into my office with the intention of asking me to have lunch with him. But when he saw us in my couch making out while I was straddling Nick, he closed the door loudly for us to notice him.

When we looked at him, he sported his poker face on and sat on one of my love seats telling us to continue whatever we're doing as he will wait for us to finish. 

I don't know why he's still playing hard to get to Nick and he ignores him whenever he sees him. Nick has been patient with him though. He kept asking/inviting him to have s drink but Zac kept turning him down and rejecting his calls.

Me and dad already tried to talk to him in forgiving Nick but he only said that he will forgive him when the right time comes. So, I left him alone to deal with his own feelings. Afterall, their bromance had been compromised. I'll just let them find where they left off.

But when it comes to my relationship with Nick, these past few months, I've been so happy with where my life is heading. He takes care of me, he teaches me how to cook even though we knew that we didn't end in cooking.

He asked me to move in with him and I agreed but after I finished this project Tanzania.

There were lots of times when we were about to do the nasty but when he realized that, he would immediately get away from me and hug me. I kept telling him that I was ready to do it with him but he was keen on doing it in our wedding night.

He knew I that I am a virgin when I accidentally told him that he will be my first when I realized that our make out sesh in his room were getting out of hand.

When he heard it, he quickly got out from his bed and he covered my upper body with the duvet. He was apologizing for his behavior but I kept on telling him that I was ready. Since that night, he never got far from kissing and hugging me.

It's frustrating you know, but I am glad that he respects me.

I heard a knock on the door and Nikkie's head popped in.

"Ms. North, your Dad, Mr. Anthony North is on the line." I nodded and dismissed her and looked at my phone then pressed the button that has green light beside it.

Olivia's KnightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora