Chapter 8

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Niccolo Knights

I arrived at the North's manor, I stepped out of my car and gave my car keys to the valet to park my car. I rang the bell and was a little bit startled because the door was opened immediately by Lorna, the head housekeeper of this manor. She smiled and greeted me.

"Good evening, Mr. Knights, Mr. North would like to see you first in his study." She said. I smiled and nodded then followed her to Tony's study. Lately I've been to this manor for quite a lot because we've been discussing about his 'request'. I sighed and think about what would he want to discuss first? Is the feisty heiress here already? Is she also in the study?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a faint "come in" from the other side of the door. I braced myself as to what is going to happen if the feisty heiress was also inside.

The door opened revealing Anthony himself sitting on his chair behind his mahogany desk. He treaded towards him and greeted him good evening.

He smiled and stood up from his seat to give me a brief hug.

"Good evening, Niccolo. Take a sit." He released the hug and took a seat on one of the chairs in fornt of his desk. I took the opposite chair and sat in front of him.

"Livy is currently on her way here. I let Terry pick her up to avoid unnecessary delay." I smiled because I know what he's meant of 'delay'.

"Mr. Nor... I mean Tony, if I may inquire, may I know how did you manage her to agree? Because last time she was so angry and vexed about this whole work and marriage thing." I asked because I've been curious about this.

He chuckled.

"Because I blackmailed her remember? I freeze her account and kicked her out of the apartment, I also managed to..." he was interrupted by the intercom of his telephone.

He clicked the speaker button of his Avaya phone and we heard Terry informing him that Olivia is already here. He ended the call and looked at me smiling, he stood up and straightened his polo and said,

"Come, we don't want Livy to be grumpier as she already is." He chuckled and headed towards the door.

I sighed and prayed to the Gods above to please make this a simple and tolerable dinner.

"I said get me a glass of water now!" I heard the cold tone of a woman.

"I understand Ms. North but let me put these linens first to the laundry room." Replied by a panicked woman.

As we took right, we saw the commotion in the hallway. I can see the back of the poor maid's head lowered while clutching tightly the linens. I can see clearly that the linens are heavy yet this heiress wanted her to get a glass of water. I didn't get why she's ordering her to get her a glass of water when she can get one for herself especially the kitchen is located at her left side.

"If you understood then you will get my water now but no, you're still here talking about these goddamned linens. Do you think I care, huh? When I said I want a glass of water, get me one in an instant. I don't care if you throw these linens away or placed it somewhere." She pointed at the linens and continued angrily, "Did no one ever tell you here about prioritizing my orders?" she crossed her arms across her chest.

"I am sorry, Miss North, I will get you one now." The maid apologized.

"It's ok Bethany, you can put the linens in the laundry room." Tony interrupted and saved the Bethany, the poor maid. Bethany walked passed Olivia while tilting her back a little to avoid the linens to fall.

I looked at Olivia and saw her glaring daggers to her dad.

"What did I told you about meddling in my life again, old man?" she said coldly to Tony. I furrowed my eyebrows because of the tone and term she uses to her dad. Just when Tony's about to speak, she spoke again while narrowing her eyes.

"Fine, I'll let this pass because this is your house and your people." she stated and entered the dining room.

Tony sighed and looked at me, he smiled at me to mask his frustration. I smiled back and said,

"Should we have dinner?" he nodded.

As soon as we entered the dining room, I saw Olivia already seated on the other side of the table typing something on her phone. As we were about to sit, she broke the silence and spoke.

"Where is Zac?" she asked still typing on her phone.

Tony took a sit at the head of the table while I sat in front of Olivia.

He replied in a fatherly tone, "I told him not to come, sweetie."

"Care to tell me why?!" she scoffed while her eyes were still glued on her phone.

"Because he's not needed tonight, my Livy, and please put the phone down, we are about to have dinner, sweetie." Tony replied as he spread his napkin on his lap.

Olivia tossed her phone lightly on the table and glared at Tony. Geeze this woman sure glares a lot, can't she smile a little?

"Well, actually, you're not needed here also, this dinner is about me and him." She pointed her left forefinger at me without glancing my way. "Now, enlighten me as to why you're joining this dinner." She said to her dad.

Anthony smiled and looked at her, as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Olivia beat him to it again and spoke.

"Nevermind, I actually don't care." She stated while she placed the napkin on her lap.

I widened my eyes because seriously, never did I imagine that I would see someone disrespecting Anthony North as she does now. I cleared my throat because this is so uncomfortable for me.

Uncomfortable awkward silence hugged the dining room as the food was placed on the table. I looked at Olivia and saw her drinking water. It made me smile a little because I found it cute, I took this opportunity to assess her. She really is a beauty, she moves with grace and sophistication even when she's angry. Up until now, she haven't looked at me or my way except the pointing of her finger towards me.

She suddenly furrowed her brows as if sensing my stare at her. I looked at my left side and saw Anthony looking at me with a knowing smile plastered on his face. I cleared my throat again and picked up my glass to drink. He just saw me checking out his daughter, I hope he did not find it creepy.

As we were eating peacefully, the silence broke when Olivia spoke in annoyance.

"You." She pointed her fork to Bethany, the poor maid with linens a while ago, and continued, "I don't want to see your face whenever I'm here. Go change with someone now, you made me want to puke." She added.

I heard Tony sighed and looked towards Lorna. "Lorna, just assign someone else."

Lorna nodded and looked at Bethany signaling to place down the pitcher, she immediately scoot outside the dining room.

Seriously, what is her problem? Does she really need to humiliate her just because she couldn't give her a glass of water? Could she really not understand the situation of the poor maid? Suddenly, I didn't have the appetite to finish the food that I was eating. I really couldn't take the atmosphere and the attitude of this woman. I think I should excuse myself now and go home to my son. Yes, coming here is a big mistake, I should go home now.

Just when I was about to excuse myself, the feisty heiress spoke.

"You, follow me to the patio when you're done eating." She directed to me without even glancing my way and stood up.

This will be a very long Friday night. 

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