Chapter 53

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Niccolo Knights

When I heard about the name of the visitor, the hairs on the back of my neck went up. I willed my feet to walk me to the drawing room and face him.

Before I entered the room, I took a series of deep breathes and gulped to calm myself down. I didn't know that the day I will face him with uneasiness and nervousness will come. After one last deep breath, I went inside.

There I saw him sitting on the couch with a slight frown in his face. He looked deep in thought to notice that I entered. I tried to greet him but nothing came out so I cleared my throat. Through that, I got his attention and he looked at me, he nodded at me and pointed the couch for me to sit.

This is the first time he didn't smile when he saw me. Usually he would smile happily whenever he sees me. Well, what can I do? His daughter and I are not in good terms these days. What do I expect?

"Good morning, Tony." I greeted him seriously and took a sit in front of me.

He nodded and spoke, "I knew what happened and it wasn't Olivia who told me about it." He started and I know for a fact that Tony's not a guy who will beat around the bush. If he wants to say something, he'll say it to you frankly, just like Olivia.

I stayed silent because I didn't know what to say so I just looked at the ground.

"Zac did that you, right?" He asked and I know he's pertaining about the black eye I have then he continued.

"When Olivia was born, she was premature, she was so little and she needed to be kept in an incubator. We never held her for more than 30 minutes because she needed to go back to the incubator. Zachary was so heart broken when he learned that his sister will be staying at the hospital for two weeks. I remember when we got home, he said to us that once his sister got home, he will protect her from all the dangers in the world because she's his precious little sister." He chuckled lightly and I can see it in his eyes that he misses the good old day.

"When Emilia died, he was the one who took care of Olivia. He would call her almost everyday to ask if someone bullied her or if someone tried to take advantage of her even though he knew that she can take care of herself. Livy on the other hand would show him irritation but she's actually liking it." He smiled upon mentioning Livy's name.

"Then there's this one time she didn't know that Zac was at the manor and she came home with a big scratch on her arm. It's actually a scratch that was made by fingernails. Zac asked her what happened but she said that she had it when she was playing volleyball. Zac instantly knew that Olivia's lying so he didn't push her and treated her immediately. Then he asked Erin secretly and she told him that Livy has a foe in their school and her name's Cassandra."

"She bullies her in every possible ways but being a tough woman my daughter is and through the help of Erin and Jowee, they just ignore her until..." He took a deep breathe and shook his head lightly.

"Until Olivia learned about Cassandra sleeping with her boyfriend back then in highschool." I looked at him with shock evident in my face. Olivia must have gotten mad and saw red and attacked Cassandra when she knew about it.

"She was so mad at her and at Jason when she knew about it. Then just like a tough woman she is, she broke up with him on that day. She didn't even let them see that she was hurt nor angry, she just walked away." Tony said sadly while I, on the other hand, couldn't quite comprehend  what Tony just said. That she just walked away. Then he continued speaking.

"In college, they became schoolmates again, Olivia and Cassandra. They were in the same course but in different majors. Cassandra tried everything to bully Olivia again but she never succeeded because my daughter just ignored her antics towards her. Then when Cassandra knew about Olivia's relationships with Francis that time, she slept with him again and this time, Olivia saw them doing it at his apartment on the night of their anniversary. Same as what happened in their highschool, she broke up with him that night and walked away."

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