Chapter 14

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Niccolo Knights

We are currently having lunch in one of the private rooms of McAfee Hotel and by we, I meant Anthony, Olivia, and I. Anthony seated beside me while Olivia was seated in front of me. The expression of the two were opposite, Tony was smiling ear to ear and Olivia was playing her food by her fork. Does she not like her food? Or was she not hungry?

Suddenly, we heard Tony coughed nonstop. Olivia and I asked him at the same time.

"Tony, are you ok?" I asked

"Dad, are you ok?" Olivia asked concerned and handed him her glass of water.

I looked at her quite shocked to hear and see her concerned at the same time she called Tony dad. This was the second time I heard her call him dad, not old man. Then I heard Tony said in quiet voice.

"Yup, wrong pipe. I'm fine, dont mind me." he assured us after drinking water.

"Can you stop smiling for a second and eat your food properly?" Olivia reprimanded her dad and returned to playing her food.

Tony just laughed and told us that he was just happy to see us together. He told us that we did a good job even if we didn't follow the story and that we looked good together.

I heard Olivia scoffed and I looked at her again. She sure is fast to switch her attitude, but nevertheless, she is still good looking even now that she's just playing her food.

A while ago, when I saw her entered the room, my breath got knocked out because of how breathtaking she was. She was  wearing a white dress and a light makeup on. I saw her how she exchanged pleasantries with Lorna and it was very different as to how she treated other people. Maybe she's not in a bad mood today, if I do say so myself. Then I felt my phone vibrated and took it out to check my emails. As Tony left us two alone in the penthouse, we bickered immediately and I gotten so tired of fighting with her that's why I took my phone out again to ignore her tantrums. It's too early for me to handle that kind of attitude and I didn't like to start my week off fighting her. However, the feisty heiress really don't know how to recognize frustration and dared to snatched my phone from me. When I made sure that I won't be getting my phone back from her, I leaned towards her until our faces were only inches apart.

In that amount of time, I realized that she was more beautiful this close and was tempted to kiss her. But I scolded myself because if I lose myself and kissed her, it would mean that I sexually assaulted her, and I don't want that, but I admit, I was so satisfied to see her somewhat distraught reaction. As I was about to look at my phone again, I felt a pillow was thrown at me. This woman was really violent.

Then, she asked me about my reasons on why I agreed on marrying her. I told her 3/4 of my reason and she stared at me searching for any lies in my eyes. What I said was true, I owe everything to Anthony North.

At the press conference, I was actually the one who answered almost all the questions. It's hard actually when my attention was divided because all I can think about is Olivia's hands holding mine. On the latter part of the interview, she was asked about my son, my most feared question because I didn't know what will I react if she bad mouthed about my son, but thankfully and surprisingly, she spoke about my son in a good way. As per her making out with Cameron, I was actually mad about the reporter because he dared to open that subject.

When the reporters asked us to pose for pictures, we complied and I admit that Olivia was quit natural in front of the camera. That's when I lost my control and kissed her cheek.

I should've known better that she will retaliate secretly. What she did was she pinched hard the soft skin on my arm near the armpit and it hurts so bad. This woman sure really hits me a lot.

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