Chapter 5

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Olivia North

And I'm done. I said to myself while panting as I adjusted my earpods. I walked to the nearest coffee shop where I've always buy my coffee these past two weeks. I opened the door and the bell rings signaling the staff that there is a customer. I walked inside and I immediately smelled the fresh coffee beans. I headed towards the cashier and greeted Odette and John, a lovely old couple whom I recently knew were the owner of this cozy coffee shop.

"The usual? How many laps this time?" Odette smiled while asking.

"Yep, one iced Americano and one Caramel Macchiato only, no cakes this time. And oh, I only ran 3 laps." I replied still panting.

I reached for my arm band where I keep my phone and money while running. I took out a couple of bills and paid for my order and started making small talks to the lovely couple.

"I am so tired. I shouldn't have taken that route." I spoke while looking at the displayed cakes. I furrowed my brows because I am so tempted to buy their chocolate fudge cake. Should I? This is so hard.

"You know, I don't get why you young women are so obsessed in being in shape? You should enjoy your life by eating everything you like. That's what I did when I was in your age." She said.

I sighed when I decided not to buy the goddamned cake and sat on one of the stools located near the cashier. "I've been eating your cakes for about two weeks now, Odette. I think I'll pass today." I chuckled. It's true, I've been gorging her cakes every day since I temporarily moved in Erin's apartment. I wouldn't be able to notice that I've gained weight if Jowee hadn't blatantly and over exaggeratedly commented that I've gained extra pounds yesterday. At first I didn't believe her because she can be a little dramatic sometimes but when I checked on the weighing scale, I couldn't believe that in a matter of two week, I've added 5 pounds. No don't get me wrong, I am not one of those people who are obsessed in dieting but I am not also one of those people who does not care about what they. I just want to maintain my weight.

My thoughts were interrupted when John spoke, "You know Livy, she ate a lot even when we were still dating and she didn't care about what I would think. I said to myself, this lady sure eats a lot. And I want to be the man to spoil her with food for the rest of her life." I looked at him and saw the love and admiration in his eyes.

"Well, at least you won her with the help of food." I smiled genuinely.

"No. I won her because of this" he pointed at his face "and this" and pointed to his heart as he continued.

I smirked and looked at Odette as she she's handing me my orders. She whispered to me "It's actually the food." I laughed and winked at her. I grabbed my orders while thanking them and wishing them to have a very good day, then bid my goodbyes. This is the kind of love I want and dream of, just like what my mom and dad had. I remember when I was a kid, my dad would always kiss mom – whether on the lips, cheeks, temple, hands and the like, whenever he felt to do so. He would also annoy mom by backhugging her every time she cooks. According to mommy, she couldn't cook properly every time dad did that, but I knew that she liked and enjoyed it. Sometimes my brother and I would team up with dad in hugging mom to "annoy" her and when she got out of our hug, she would start nagging us about safety precautions while cooking and would threaten us about her not cooking for a week.

Those are one of my cherished memories. I miss the old times, going home smelling her food, I miss eating the food she cooks and bakes, I miss her voice, I miss her nag, I miss her, I miss my mom. Everything changes after she passed away, Zac started working at my dad's company and moved out of our house, dad busied himself with work and rarely stay at home for a whole day, and I was left at home along with the memories they're trying to get away from which is home. Home is my mom, home is Emilia North.

"Honey, I'm home." I said as I entered Erin's apartment, I can smell the eggs being fried up. I went to the kitchen and saw her cooking while talking on her phone. As usual she's already gotten dolled up for the day. I admit, she looked so hot in loose curls and in her brown chiffon dress shirt and tight black pencil skirt. From what I can hear, she's explaining something to her associate about the new book they're currently editing, and yes she is a writer slash editor at a publishing house. She is so passionate and hardworking, and that is one of the two reasons why she's single the other is men are intimidated by her. I remember when a guy tried to hit on her and she put him to his place, which was funny because the guy was confident that he will get Erin with his corny pickup lines. I snorted remembering that.

"It looks like you're in a good mood. Good morning." She greeted me and placed a plate with egg and toast in front of me.

"Good morning to you too. And to answer your question, yes I am in good mood. You know why?" she raised her brows "because of your beauty and sexiness. Seriously Erin, if I am a guy, I'd do you right here, right now. Or if I am one of your colleagues, I would definitely hit on you." I stated and sipped on my iced Americano.

She laughed and said "If you are a guy, before you even do me, I will smack you many times in the face and spit on you when you laid on the ground." I gasped exaggeratedly and threw a piece of crumb to her. "You're mean. But seriously though, you won't fall for my charms? I think I would be as good looking as my brother." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh honey, yes I am mean and I won't fall for your charms. Anyway, I have to go. Thanks for the coffee again." She winked and headed outside. Before I finish my egg and toast, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw my PA's name on the screen. I slid the green icon and answered.

"Olivia" she said. I flinched because I don't like it when I am being called that because it would mean I am in trouble or I did something wrong.

"Yes, Belle?" I asked

"Your father wants to shut the cabin and hope." She said in distressed voice.

My eyes widened when I heard 'father' and 'shut'.

"What?! How did he knew that? I made sure that my name is not affiliated in any of its documents." I uttered.

"Well your father knows everything. What should I do? More than half of the sponsors are backing out. I tried everything, I already pleaded to them. I even used the kids to appeal to their conscience but no, they are really adamant to back out." She said in agony.

I closed my eyes and took long deep breaths to keep me sane.

"Livy?" she uttered my name again.

"You've done enough, Belle. Let me handle this, I'm done delaying this." I ended the call and headed straight towards my bedroom with only one thing in my mind: Game on Anthony North.

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