Chapter 56

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Olivia North

I looked at the clock in horror when I saw that it's only 2:30 in the afternoon. Today feels like the time's slowing down, I have done everything that was in need of my attention but it seems that time is running so slow today. Not to mention that I only had 2 hours of sleep last night because of someone. I looked at the trash bin in my office and saw the bouquet of roses he sent me along with a card that says:

I'm really sorry, Olivia. I hope you give me a chance to prove myself to you. I love you.

Niccolo Knights

For months I tried to bury everything that concerns him, my feelings, my laughs, my smile, and my trust. Why did it concerns him, you ask? It's because he's the first person I trusted that easily and gave my heart to him because I thought that he's different from all the people but then he turned out he's one of them.

When I saw him in Dubai, I didn't know what to do especially when he touched me. The feelings I buried resurfaced, thankfully I immediately composed myself and got out of his hold. If that simple gesture made all the memories and feelings back, I don't think I can control myself if he did more than that, I thought. That's why when I arrived at my apartment that day, I drowned myself in alcohol and let myself remember what I promised to myself, that I will never ever be soft again when it comes to him.

But last night, when he apologized, explained everything, and hugged me, I almost got lost in his touches. Fortunately, I quickly realized what I was going to do when he mentioned Rebecca's name. Seriously? He only believed me because he saw the footage of the fight? Are my words were really not enough for him? This just shows how he didn't trust me.

Now why did I call him Mr. Knights last night? Because if I called him Nick or Niccolo, I believe that my hard persona will just vanish in an instant.

And he said he loves me. If he truly loves me, why didn't he believe and trust me? He chose to listen to everyone except me, hell he didn't even ask for my explanation regarding who Adolph is.

Now he had the nerve to give me a bouquet of roses, did he think that I will be swayed by that? Maybe in the past but now no, I already made up my mind that I won't associate myself to him anymore. I'm done with him. But Dylan, my baby... I miss him so much, there are no days I don't look at his pictures.

I wonder if he's missing me also or if he's eating properly, if he's running around playfully, if Maria's been checking his back when he's on full mode playing. I miss snuggling him whenever I feel like it. I remember he used to run around here in my office whenever he's here to spend time with me. His leggos, color blocks, and toy cars are actually still here.

Then I felt the familiar longing I've been feeling these past months and I just want to cry. A lone tear fell from my eye and I quickly wiped it. I don't want anyone to see me like this especially Zac and Dad that's why I never told them what happened between me and Nick. Only Jowee and Erin knew about what happened.

I jumped from my sit when my office door was bursted open by my brother. I can see that he's writhing in anger and he went straight at me and made me stand up by holding both of my arms.

"What did he do to you? Please don't tell me you forgave him? Fuck! How did he get past my security?" He asked me and I was confused on what he's asking me. Don't tell me it's about Niccolo?

I removed Zac's hands harshly and spoke.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him to check if what I was thinking was correct.

"Niccolo. Did he do something to you? I've been tracking that bastard for a couple months now so that he won't get to you but he managed to slip away from my guard. That fucking basta---" I slapped him hard on his cheeks and that made him looked at me with shock on his face.

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