Chapter 8

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I was now waiting outside the hospital room praying for some good news. Please grandma please please please be fine. When I opened the door I found grandma unconscious on the floor. I tried to wake her up but she wasn't waking up.

I called the ambulance and since then the doctors have been checking up on her. Please God, don't take her away from me. She is the only family I have. After three long hours, the doctors came out and by the gloomy look on the face. I knew he didn't have good news."Are you family of Mrs. Rose?"

"Yes. I am her granddaughter." I reply wiping my tears.

"You should call your parents." That made me cry even more. If they were here, I wouldn't have suffered."They are not with us. You are scaring me. What happened?"

He sighs and says "I am sorry but we couldn't save her. She had a heart attack and it was too late. We tried everything..." No, no, no This can't happen. As he said we couldn't save her. Everything went black. He was saying something but I could hear his words echoing 'we could not save her'.

The doctor left and I fell on my knees. It was all because of me. My grandma died because of me. If only I had picked up her call we could have reached on time. At least I could have heard her voice for the last time. I break down at the thought of grandma not with me anymore.


"What are you thinking about Shane?" Tyler asks me when I was lost in thoughts.

"Skyler. It's been ten days."
It's been ten days since she left and all I could think was of her.

I remember everything that happened. I got ready for work and after a long time, I was happy thinking about the night at the beach and realizing that I have feelings for her. I wanted to confess my feelings for her.

I was about to start driving to work when I got a message from her saying she was fine.

I went off to work and sat on my chair looking through my scheduled. I gave Skyler a day off and then in about an hour, Skyler barged in.

I was not expecting her today. I had told her to take a leave and rest. I stood up and walk up to her. There was something wrong. I had a feeling something is going to happen. Her eyes were puffy and red. She had tears in her eyes.
"Skyler, Are you fine? I told you to take a rest and why are there tears in your eyes? What happened?"

"This is what you wanted." She said in a soft voice as her voice breaks due to crying. I was getting confused."What I wanted?"

"Drive me to an extent that I would  resign."I didn't know what she was talking about. "We dropped that so long ago. I forgot about it."

"I don't think so. Well,   congratulations Shane Smith. I lost and you won. I can't believe I was so naive to have believed you." She claps as tears streamed down her cheeks. My eyes were getting teary to realize she thinks that low of me. I don't blame her. I judged her too. It pained me to see her crying."Skyler..."

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