Chapter 20

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My treatment started on that day. Shane never left my side, he came with me to every doctor's appointment and checkup.

It pained me a lot but I would put on my brave face when I saw him worried. I saw him crying at night sitting near the pool when I went off to sleep.

He did his work from home and comforted me when I had nightmares. I was recovering slowly but we can't say anything.

Every day I prayed that I recover and dreamt about how it would be when I will be well. I fought every day for him. Never had he lost any hope. He was my pillar of strength and he made me go through. There were times I would lose hope but he always found a way to cheer me up. I can't thank God enough for giving me, Shane.

I urged him to go to work, he had this important meeting and he was canceling it because of me. I need him but the company needs him too. He is always with me. After a lot of pressuring him. He agreed.
"Are you sure?"

"I am sure. I am not a kid Shane I will be fine. Now go." I pushed him out of the door. He won't leave me. I feel selfish for keeping him close to me always.

"Alright, Sky." I kissed his cheek and he hugged me before he left. I closed the door behind him.

I took a shower and put on my clothes. I stood in front of the mirror and was combing my hair when a huge chunk of hair fall out. I knew this was gonna happen someday and then I took a look at myself in the mirror as I took deep breaths.

I had gained a little weight. My hair was thin and falling off. My hands had scars of various needles. I take deep breaths to calm down.

You are strong Skyler.

You will fight this too.

Tears fill up my eyes but I convince myself to not break down. Don't cry. You came a long way. Everything will be fine, It's just hair. It will grow back. I will lose weight. I will be fine.

I then tied it in a ponytail and went to the library taking out books to read. Books are always there for you when no one is and I always read books whenever I wanted to calm myself.

Back when I was a kid. I used to read books to sleep. I don't know when but after a few chapters, my eyes were shutting and I fell asleep on the chair.

I woke up when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. He said worriedly.
"You scared me for a moment, Sky."

"Good thing to know that I can scare you." I laughed after I opened my eyes.

"You were awake. Wait, you."

"Shane, Stop." Shane starts tickling me and I start laughing. I hit him with a cushion to stop him but he was too strong. With all those laughing, I started coughing due to shortness of breath.

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