Chapter 15

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"Where are we going? We missed the left to home." She asked moving her gaze to me from the window.
I said firmly."We are not going home."

"You are scaring me, Shane." She says in a soft tone. She was scared by my different behavior. It has to be now. I can't hold it in anymore. "It's not like I am going to kidnap you."

She didn't say anything further and I drove to the lakeside. It was our vacation spot. The villa on the right is ours and we would come here to spend the holidays. There would no one to interrupt us and the view is beautiful at night so I figured it would be the best place to come.

I stopped the car and get down. While driving here, I had made up in my mind about the ways I would confess my feelings for her but now that we are here. I had no clue how. I was nervous. I get down the car walk in circles. She gets down and starts questioning me."What is the purpose of bringing me here, Mr.Shane?"

"You want to know the purpose. What are you doing Skyler?"
The entire week I had been trying to talk to her and she was ignoring me avoiding me and I don't know if I can handle her avoiding me.

"What am I doing? You dragged me out of there and brought me here."
She says, anger reflecting in my eyes.

"Dancing with my brother. Ignoring me and then whatnot. What happened all of a sudden? Things were going great." I want to know what happened that changed everything overnight. I want to know what I did wrong to experience this.

"What's wrong in that? I am single. I don't have a boyfriend.  I can do whatever I want. I  don't have to ask for your approval. What's the issue in that?"

"Issue." Issue. I scoffed throwing my hand in the air in frustration. Is she kidding me now? Does she not see that I am in love with her and how much she changed me?
I turn to her staring into her eyes and place my hand on her shoulders. "Don't you see why it is bothering me so much? You know I am not that good at expressing my feelings."

"What do you mean Shane?" She raised her eyebrows. I sighed. Here goes nothing.

"You make me do things which I have never done before. I surrendered myself about the deal. I came after you when you left. You are the first one I allowed in my house. My life was all boring before you entered. In between our hatred, I got used to having you by my side. You made me realize the world outside work. You changed my perspective."

"But Shane..." She tries to stop me but I place a finger on her lips. It took me longer to do this. I am not going to let it go without saying what I feel. I lower my gaze as I closed my eyes.

"Shhh! Let me speak. I don't know how long it took me to find the courage to confess. Maybe because of the liquid courage but finally, I can. I never thought I would say this to you or anyone else for that matter."

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