Chapter 40

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"Why it is that
Every time things
Look like
They are Fine,
Something goes wrong..."


"Who are you? What do you want from me?"


"Well. Well, Well. Who do we have in here?"


"I should have guessed it was you."


"Well, you should have."


"Shane will come after me the minute he realizes I am gone."


"Don't worry. Even if Shane finds you. It will be of no use."


"What do you mean?"


"A year ago. I saved you and now I am going to kill you."


"Empty threats don't work on me."


"See this knife."


"This won't get you, Shane, to love you. Leave me now."
I tried hard to get out but the rope cut my wrists. I couldn't get out of it. She comes closer with a knife in her hand. I was scared but I can't show her that. Be brave, Skyler. Shane will be here. She came in closer and stabbed me in my stomach...
I scream and then I sit up in my bed and Shane wakes up when he hears my scream and then held me handing me a glass of water. After I take a sip of it, I take deep breaths. It was just a dream.


"Did you have a nightmare?"


"Yeah. A pretty bad one actually. Emily was after me. She stabbed in the stomach and Then I woke up."
Shane pulls my head and rests it in his chest. Trying to calm me down and it was working. I was relieved and his words calmed me along with the warmth of his body against mine. I forgot about the nightmare.


"I will not let something like that happen. I promise. Emily or anyone else for that matter has to go through me to get you.

Next morning


"I will have to go now. I have this important meeting I have to go to."


"I am on a leave today. Not much work to do today. Take care, Shane."


Skyler kisses my cheek and I open the door to leave. She gets ahold of my hand and looks at me with pleading eyes as if it were saying me to not go.
"You know, Sky I won't be able to resist those eyes but I really have to go."


"I know but I don't feel like you should go."


"I swear If it weren't that important, I would have stayed but I really have to go. I promise I will come back as soon as I finish with the meeting."

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