Chapter 27

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We went back home. It was lunchtime and after that we had lunch. If you are wondering who is Noah. Noah is my roommate and my best friend.

We met a year ago when I bumped into him in the library. Noah liked me and he was a sweet and caring person so when he confessed his feelings for me. I decided to give it a try. He knew everything because I told him.

Scarlet was his friend and we met when we started dating. We became friends as we had the same interests. I started working hard and Bryon helped me setting up my business.

And in a year I was able to set up my own company. Scarlet lost her job and I needed an assistant so I offered her the job. Noah and I broke up because I realized I was not ready to move on. Since then we are the best of friends. We live in the same place and he always has my back.

Noah went up to his room to get changed while I went into my room. I take a look at my closet to find something to wear when I found something, Shane's hoodie. I take it in my hand. I still remember everything that happened.

I take it in my hand and I felt him near me. As shattered as I was I still missed him for I had never loved anyone as I loved him. Hell, I didn't know what love was until I met him. For weeks after I separated I used to wear this hoodie and cry to sleep.

"Get ready, Skyler. I know how long you take to get ready." I heard Noah yelling from outside the room.
"It takes time to look good, Noah."
I kept the hoodie back and quickly scan my closet to find an outfit for today after I picked on my outfit.

I took a quick shower and got changed. I was sitting at the dressing table. I take a look at the mirror. I opened the drawer to take out my earrings when I found a letter. I shouldn't have opened it. I should have torn it apart and erased every memory I have of his but I didn't and I opened the letter.

The letter he wrote me the night before the wedding. I feel tears dwell in my eyes as I read the letter. Why Shane Why? Why did you do this to me?

Everything was so perfect. We were getting married and I dreamt of my future with you. What changed all of a sudden? Where did I go wrong? You proved that Good things don't last. You broke everything and my ability to trust and love anyone.

After reading the letter I keep it down and take the ring in my hand which was kept in the same drawer. I still kept it.

I don't wear it for obvious reasons but I kept it. A few months ago when I lost it, I turned everything upside down trying to find it. I didn't know why.

My feelings for Shane were too strong to let go so easily. I guess it wasn't the same for him...

This time, last year I was ready waiting to go down the aisle and everything changed. Apart from me didn't want to believe all of this but then the truth is always bitter.

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