Chapter 3

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Nick, Luna and I walked back to the black jeep wrangler I rented. "Your car is pretty" Luna says. I look down at her and smile.

Nick then opens the door to reveal a car seat we bought for Luna. "Who are you?" Luna asks pouting at Nick, I laughed at her question and the tone of her voice.
Nick bends down to her level and she lets go of my hand, "I'm your uncle's best friend", her little eyes go wide and a smile reaches her face, "can you be my best friend too?" She asks excitedly.

"Yes, of course." He says. She runs to him and wraps her little arms around his neck, he looks up at me and pout his lips as if he wanted to cry. She was adorable.

She then lets go of him and backs up, putting some distance between them, "what's your name?" She asks, she tilted her head sideways and raised her little eyebrow. "Nicholas, but you can call me Nick" he answers. Again, a huge grin appears on her little face, "like Santa Claus?" She says, Nick laughs again and nods. "Can I call you old Nick?" She asks again looking straight into his eyes but shyly. "Whatever you like princess".

We drove back to my private house. I decided to keep her in this house until I decide that it's safe for her to meet the gang. When we enter, Robert, one of my private drivers and guard, is standing in front of the staircase waiting for us to come closer.

He sees Luna and raises his right eyebrow at me, "sir" he says and I nod. I go down on one knee to be leveled with Luna, "sweetie, this is Robert. He's going to be your umm...friend for quite a while. Is that good with you?" She looks at me, then at Nick and finally at Robert who smiles at her.

She then does the unexpected and runs to him, wrapping herself around his leg. "Hi Robert. We are going to be friends" she says innocently and I whimper in complete joy. This little girl is already fulfilling this house with love. Who would have thought that.

Robert picked her up and she giggled as she wraps her little arms around his neck, "yes we are little Rose" he tells her. I clap my hand quickly to bring the attention back to me. Robert lowers her and she runs to me, "Come on cupcake, lets take you to your room" I say holding out my hand for her to grab.

She grabs both my hand and Nick's. Someone could easily mistake us for a gay couple. While we walked down the hallway to her room which was right next to mine, she kept on looking at the house in complete awe. Her little eyes twinkling at the sight of every detail in the house. It was amusing to see her like the place.

I opened the door to her room and waited for her to go in. I didn't do the whole "princess themed room" for her. She was my little princess, but I read a file on her saying that she hates princesses yet likes being called one. This child is definitely my brothers.

I decided to paint her room light blue, with one of the walls covered in clouds, giving it an aesthetic look. The bed was quite huge, but that was just so I didn't have to buy another one in the future.

She had a little library full with books, apparently she loves to read or in her case she loves people reading to her

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She had a little library full with books, apparently she loves to read or in her case she loves people reading to her.

She had an area to watch tv, she had a black couch that went well with the room and a three pillows which had her name on them. One with Luna, the second one with Rose and the last one said Hunter. There was a huge tv in front of the couch. The room was perfectly decorated based on her likes and dislikes.

"THIS ROOM IS BEAUTIFUL" oh thank fuck she likes it. I smile at her reaction and she runs to the bed. She gets up on it after struggling a bit and starts jumping.

"I guess you did a good job uncle Ace" Nick compliments me and I feel my insides go warm. "Seems like it" I answer.

Luna runs over to me and hugs me again, "Thank you Mr. Hunter" I almost cringed at the sound of my name. Her saying it like that did not amuse me at all, "you can call me uncle Ace or William" I say to her and she smiles.

"I love you uncle William" she hugs me and I hugs her back, holding on to her for dear life, God I loved this little girl so damn much since she was born and she just met me and already says this things to me.

"I love you too cupcake"

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