Chapter 45

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"Hey...Scarr...wake up" I start rubbing his back to wake him up. The doctor just came in and knowing how he is, he would love to talk to him or have consciousness while he speaks.

He tightens his grip on my waist and I roll my eyes. I start to pinch his arm and he keeps on shoving my hand off of him. "The doctor is here Scarr" I say and he actually wakes up this time. I sigh and he sits up on the hospital bed.

He rubs his eyes and hair to move it out the way. "Doctor" he says in his rusty sleeping voice. That voice is just...perfection. I smile as his voice lingers through my head and somehow comfort and lust roam my body.

"Luna glad you're awake. I just want to make sure nothing is hurting and/or causing discomfort in any way. I'm also here to talk about your injuries." I nod and grab Scarr's hand. I don't know why but somehow I felt as if the doctor was about to tell me I had cancer...I didn't like hospitals or doctors or anything to do with them.

"Nothing to worry had a broken rib, that would eventually heal on its own. If for some reason you experience any type of pain, I'll prescribe some painkillers for you..." I nod and he continues to speak.

"We were able to safely remove the two bullets from your abdomen, they didn't puncture any organ or caused any severe damage. The cuts that you had along your arm and other places, we needed to do some stitches there, they're at least 55 stitches in all." my eyes go wide as he mentions the amount of stitches.

Scarr chuckles next to me and I smack his arm. This ain't funny asshole.

"Mr. Diaz has requested a private nurse to check on your stitches at home, I agreed, so daily there would be a nurse visiting you to help clean and eventually remove the stitches." I nod once more taking in the information. "Thank you Mr...?" I pause and he smiles a little, "Jefferson and your welcome. Just doing my job"

The doctor leaves me and Scarr alone and I lay my head on the pillow. "Good thing motherfucking Shrek is dead...I really had to hold back a lot. I could've easily let myself go, but I need to keep my cover for you guys....Thank you Scarr, really thank you" I look up at the ceiling remembering everything that happened four days ago.

Scarr places his hand on my cheek and I lean in not wanting him to move. Embraced by the heat that radiates off his body onto mine, I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Scarr kisses my cheek, stoping the tear from going further down. "Movería mar y tierra por ti. No hay nadie que me separe de ti y nadie a quien yo no mataria por ti." he says and I peck his lips.

(I would move land and sea for you. There is no one to separate me from you and no one whom I would not kill for you.)

Our head snap towards the door when we see it fly open. None other than Uncle William and Old Nick come rushing through. They run to me and uncle pushes Scarr off the bed making him fall on his ass.

Uncle and Old Nick both hug me making my arm and stomach hurt, making wince. "YOU GUYS ARE HURTING HER, STOP!" I hear Scarr yell and they both let go of me, fear written all over their faces. I look at Scarr's face and it's as red as a tomato. He comes closer to me and inspect my stitches, they're still intact so he sighs in relief.

"Sorry cupcake. We were so worry and it didn't help that this animal forgot to tell us until he came to the hospital four days ago. We had to get rid of everything in the basement and make sure things were running" Uncle William explains while rubbing the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and smile towards him.

I look over at Old Nick who is silently crying. This man can not give me a break. "Why are you crying Old Nick?" I ask and he sits next to me. "I thought we lost you princess...I was so goddamn scared I actually punched Ace every time he said you would be okay" he mirrors Uncle's move and I laugh at how adorable these two are.

Notorious killers my ass.

"I'm completely fine and ready to go home." I say and they both smile.

"Now YOU!" Uncle William narrows his eyes at Scarr and walks over to him pointing his finger at him. He punches Scarr on his stomach and I cry out for him. "What the fuck Uncle William? Why would you do that?" I yell and he looks up at me.

"That's for fucking my niece you asshole....Nick, get me scissors!" he extends his hand over to Nick who's arms are crossed in front of his chest and his eyebrow raised at him. "I allow you to hurt my son because I would'v done it...but I'm not letting you cut his balls. I need grand babies" he says and I can't help a blush and smile appear on my face.

Babies with Scarr do sound nice.

I see Scarr standing up from the floor and coughing. He sits next to me and engulfs me in a tight hug, carefully more-so so that he doesn't hurt me. "It wasn't the first and most definitely won't be the last" Scarr says all while looking down at me. He kisses my cheek and I giggle. I see Uncle William cross his arms and turning his head away pouting his lips as he does. "You're lucky you make her happy" he comments.

Such a child.

"Just please make sure we don't listen to ANY of it" Old Nick says and I raise my right hand as if I'm promising something. "Good. Now let's take princess home"

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