Chapter 5

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I look at the girl up and down, raised my eyebrow and continued drinking my water.

She smacks the glass from my hand making it break once it makes contact with the floor. I didn't even bother to turn or look shocked by her move.

I hear a door open and I see three man step out of a room, I'm guessing is uncle William but I'd not see who the other two are.

I stood up, standing right in front of this girl, "I could ask you the same thing" I say. I tower over her a bit and my stance was intimidating. "I am someone you don't want to mess with bitch" she says.

God her breath stinks.

I step back and stick out my gun from behind by pants. Uncle William and Old Nick gave me a gun for my 21st birthday, the gun holder had black roses engraved on it. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Would you mind repeating that?" I say pointing the gun right in between her eyes. She looked scared, shook and ready to cry, at her reaction I smirked and raised my right eyebrow. "I uh... umm..." she started to stutter. "Now now don't stutter. Say exactly what you just said and watch me put a bullet between your fucking eyes" I snickered.

"I suggest you apologize to my niece before she hurts you Eliza" uncle William comes from behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. When Eliza realizes what he just said, her eyes and everybody else's go wide in shock. Guess they didn't expect me to show up.

I lowered my gun and put it on my gun holder. "I'm sorry boss, I didn't-" I cut her off before she said anything else. "Of course you didn't realize who I was. But let me tell you something, you EVER put your hands on me or talk to me like that again, and uncle William won't be here to save you and go brush your fucking teeth!" I say and walked out of the bar.

I walked through the familiar hallway that led to the gun/knives range in the warehouse. I grabbed the knives that were hanging on the wall and started throwing them at the target. I was mad as shit because of that twat.

Like seriously you could have been nice or asked for my fucking name, but no .... you fucking knock my glass of water and threaten me.

"Good skills you have there" I hear a deep voice come from the entrance and I almost throw a knife at the person. He walks over to the light since I couldn't really see him and when I do, I gulped at the sight.

Tall maybe 6'2, broad shoulders the kind that you just want to run your hands over and kiss and bite the skin there. Tanned skin, flawless, shiny full of tattoos, at least that's what I'm guessing. Silky black hair, rough beard and mustache, beautiful narrow eyes, they look so familiar but I can't guess from where, a jawline that could make you drool, and the sexiest lips I have ever seen. This man was sculpted by the Gods himself and they took their little ass time too.

"Guess it comes with the title" I respond. I smirk at the thought of who I am and what I have become. Before uncle William adopted me, my life at the orphanage wasn't too good. Kids bugged me all the time, the adults there would literally hurt me whenever I didn't want to do something. After uncle William got me, I was so happy. He gave me the strength I never thought I had, sometimes even then I would feel extremely sad because I don't have my parents and somehow people still saw a chance to bother me.

I always felt proud of who I become and it helped me boost my confidence, at least most of it.

"Being the niece of the boss comes with a lot of responsibility. You think you can live up to that?" He says. I can't help but look into his eyes, they are so intriguing and familiar. "I think I can manage" I say and smirk.

Out of nowhere my body starts to voluntarily move, I wasn't processing what I was doing. I had no idea what the hell I was about to do.

I walked towards the man in front of me and stopped a few inches away from him. I can feel him tensed up and putting his guard up yet he seemed relax.

I lifted my hands to touch the scar that ran along his left eye. He closed his eyes as my finger traced the scar, when he opened them I couldn't help but stare into them. Figuring out who is this man.

"I guess being the son of my uncle's best friend comes with a lot of responsibility"

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