Chapter 17

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"So Scarr, tell me about yourself" I chirp up in my chair and he raises his eyebrow playfully.

"There's not much to tell, at least you know the typical stuff" he says and I nod. I do know the main things about him.

He loves the color black or any shade of it, he eats about everything except black beans. Just like me, he only drinks water and occasionally to calm his nerves, he drinks scotch. He's been in one relationship where he almost killed the girl for double-crossing him. His favorite movie or movies, are the fast and the furious. His favorite flavor for everything is vanilla except for ice cream. He loves cookies and cream, just like me.

"Well, tell me about the stuff that I don't know" I made emphasis on the don't. "Sweetie, the things that I haven't told you is because they aren't meant to be told, they're meant to be shown," he winks at me and my eyes go wide.


I blushed at his words making him chuckle, he has such an effect on me and the fucker knows it. "Wouldn't that be nice" I whispered to myself, making sure he didn't hear me. "Well, how about you. Tell me about yourself" he repeats what I told him and I look down at my hand who are already shaking. Fucking anxiety.

"You know most of the stuff, at least what have to do with mafia. I've never had a love life, I almost killed a girl back in high school....oh and my favorite show is Brooklyn nine-nine" he raises his eyebrow at the mention of the series. I know he loves it too, but he never admits it.

"It's hard to believe that a girl like you has never had a boyfriend before" I look surprised at his comment. What does he mean a girl like me? "a girl as beautiful as you" he says answering my question, okay he can read minds.

"It's hard when you have a guard with you and having a bitch face doesn't really help." I say and I see Scarr's face light up. "Glad to be your first man.....just know I'm also your last" I smile at his comment then roll my eyes. "You really are possessive." I say and he nods playfully. "but it's fine with me. I guess being part of this world makes possessiveness sexy as fuck" I admit and almost slap myself for saying that out loud.

"You found me sexy?" Scarr asks raising his eyebrow and smirking. I stood up from my chair and walked over to him, I leaned down to put my lips next to his ear. This always gets him all tensed...and turned on, "extremely" I say not wanting to embarrass myself anymore.

I walk away before he even gets a chance to respond, I walk out of the diner and towards his car. I lean over his car patiently waiting for him. He gets out of the diner and walks over to me. He stands in front of me, towering over me like a goddamn giant.

He straps me between both of his arms and gets even closer to my body. Leaving just an inch of space between us, he leans down to imitate what I did inside the diner, "the desire I have in my body to devour you is killing me, so don't play with fire unless you're willing to get burned".

FUCKKKK MEEE MANNN. This man could not have turned me on even more. Again, he manages to drive me fucking crazy and then as if he can hear my thoughts, I feel his lips against my skin.

He starts to plant kisses along my jaw line, I close my eyes as I feel electric shots throughout my body. He then grabs my hair with his hand and tilts my head sideways, getting access to my neck. He roughly starts to kiss and bite on the skin of my neck, looking for a weak spot. He nibbles the skin under my ear and I let out a moan, "Scarr" I moan his name and feel him smirk on my skin.

I put my hands on his chest, not to stop him but just for me to feel him even if it isn't his skin. He removes his lips from my neck and a sudden wave of disappointment washes over me. "I better stop before I make you mine in this parking lot" he whispers and I almost choke on air.

That didn't sound like such a bad idea.

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