Chapter 61

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"Uncle William where are you guys taking me?" I shout as he and Old Nick drag me somewhere.

After last night, the guys didn't want me to sleep on my own, so we had a sleepover in my room. Of course the big greasily bear Scarr had to be the only one sleeping with me on the bed.

So now, at 9:00 am, Uncle and Old Nick are dragging me somewhere in the little town near by.

"Come on hurry...we want to show you something" Uncle says excitedly. I roll my eyes and continue to let this man drag me along the sidewalk.

Uncle William and Old Nick stopped, both faced to the right looking inside a little cafe. Old Nick opened the door for me and nodded for me to go inside. Once we all walked in, I gasped at the decor of the cafe. It was cozy and had a welcoming feeling to it.

Yet it screamed mother was absolutely beautiful.

We walked up to the counter, "what do you want cupcake?" Uncle asked and when he did, the guy taking our order looked at us dumbfounded. Old Nick picked out a table for us and waited there after giving Uncle his order.

Please don't tell me he thought we were a couple.

"Um...water?" I said in more of a question than a statement. Uncle's head tilted to the side giving me the 'are you serious' face and I smiled innocently. "How about a chocolate chip muffin and a frap?" he said and I nodded.

"Hey, can we have three chocolate chip muffins, a frap and two cappuccinos" Uncle ordered and the guy nodded, typing on the computer our orders. "Anything else?" he said looking directly at me. I blushed since I felt uncomfortable.

"Here is your receipt can wait by the side until we call your name" he said and we nodded. "He totally likes you" Uncle said and I smacked him on the arm. "Shut up, no he doesn't" I defended.

"Ace William!" the guy yelled and I walked over to where the guy was standing. "Um...this is for your boyfriend mam" the guy said and I almost died. I have no idea why, but some part of me got mad.

"First, I'm not old. Don't call me mam. Second, that's my uncle so don't assume things" I grabbed the bag from him and walk away without giving him another time of the day. "Unbelievable" I say as I sat down on the chair in front of Uncle.

"What happened?" he said and I rolled my eyes, "he thought we were a couple and he called me mam!" I say and Uncle William laughed. "It's not funny" I say and he rolled his eyes. "You're being petty" he said.

"Whatever. He shouldn't have assumed things."


"If for some reason we fall, I'm kicking all of your old asses!" Scarr yelled.

It's now somewhere around 4pm and the guys are dragging Scarr and I somewhere, blindfolded may I add. "Shut up...I swear we can't do shit for you guys" I heard Old Nick say and I rolled my eyes. Even though he couldn't see it.

"SHIT....that hurt" I screamed as my foot made contact with a rock. "Sorry" Dragon said.

"Okay, on three you guys can take off your blindfolds" Alex said. I stood still, anticipation building up inside of me. "1....2....3" the guys counted and Scarr and I removed the blindfolds from our eyes.

Once our eyes settled on the light, I gasped once I realized where we were.

"OMG you did not!" I said as I jumped in excitement. "Hell yeah we did...we got the whole place to ourselves" Richard said. I looked back at Scarr who was hiding his excitement. I tilted my head slightly and walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Don't act like you're not excited." I said and he smiled. "Okay so?" he said and I rolled my eyes. "Can we pair up...since it's our birthday?" he asked me in a sweet tone and I pouted my lips at how adorable he sounds.

"Of course!" I replied and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Alright who's ready?" Richard said and I started to jump again.

"Okay so these are the teams....Luna and Scarr because of course, they rule today" Uncle William started to explain. "We always rule" Scarr said and I smiled at him. "Whatever...Alex and Dragon would be together, Nick and I and lastly, Richard would be the one guarding the winning flag." he said.

"Who ever eliminates the other two teams AND captures the flag, wins." Old Nick says and we all nod.

"WHO'S READY FOR A PAINTBALL FIGHT?!" I asked enthusiastically, yelling at the top of my lungs.

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