Chapter 44

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Luna's POV

"Let's go home mi reina" Scarr says and we enter his car.

Scarr pulls out his phone to call somebody while I sigh deeply in my seat. Now that I was calmed down and the adrenaline wasn't pumping through, I can actually feel everything that's going through my body.

Pain, crucial pain. I feel wet, my shirt is somehow dripping wet and sticking to body like glue. I feel a bit dizzy, but I look down to see what looked like two bullets holes in my abdomen..."Scarr...I think I need to go to a-" I cut myself off as I feel darkness consume me.


I can somehow feel movement and wind on my face, how? I have no idea, but I do.

I fight, against the darkness as I hear somebody call my name. The voice is familiar, but I can't put a name to it. I can hear someone cry, someone cursing and somebody throwing orders left and right.

I try my best to fight the darkness, to see the light. Gain back my consciousness and deal with whatever is happening, but I can't. I feel extremely tired and exhausted from everything that has happened.

So I let myself drown in the darkness.


Coolness surrounds me and goosebumps form on my skin. I try to open my eyes, but again I have to fight for that. This time, I actually win and slowly, I flutter my eyes open. Adjusting my eyes to the light in the room.

Once my eyes are open, I take a look at my surroundings. White wall, white and grey chair, blue curtain, white sheets and a hospital gown on me. I'm at the hospital.

I try to sit up, but I feel something pull on my skin on my abdomen, making me flinch and lay back down.

The next thing I see is the door being opened to reveal a messy looking Scarr. I smile as the memory of us leaving that horrid place replayed on my mind. We were a force to be reckon with.

He looks up at me, I see exhaustion in his eyes, dark circles under his eyes and his lips dry. He's still wearing the clothes he wore the day we got out of the basement. I smile at him and he walks over to me.

He sits own on the chair beside me and takes my hand in his, " are you feeling?" he asks and I sigh a little bit. "A bit tired, but I'm okay" I answer and he nods at me.

"What happened? I don't exactly remember much" I furrow my eyebrows and he sigh deeply. "You were shot twice on your abdomen. Nothing got damaged and nothing got severely hurt" he says and I nod in understanding. "How long was I out for?" I ask and he looks at me.

"4 days" he says calmly and I sit up in surprise. My eyes surely looked like they were ready to bounce, my mouth opened wide in shock and my eyes froze, not looking at him but at the wall.

"How the fuck did I sleep for four days?" I spat. "Because of the torture you went through, your body was physically exhausted and drained. Then the two bullets, put your life at risk so..." he explains and I let out a breath I didn't think I was holding in.

I lay back down and I pull up my hospital gown revealing the stitches and bandages around my abdomen. I looked at my arms and I see stitches running down from my shoulder to my forearm. I run my fingers along the stitches and flinch at the little pain it causes me.

"You have been here all 4 days?" I ask Scarr and he nods running his hand along his face. "Come here" I say. I move over to the left side of the bed, I pat the space next to me, motioning him to lay there.

He does exactly what I order and the moment his head lays on my chest, he falls asleep. I play with his silky hair to relax him even more and kiss his head. I see him smile and he wraps his arm around my waist, tighten his grip as if I'll move or run away.

"I love you....sleep tight mi Corazon" (my heart)

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