Chapter 35

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6 weeks later...

"FUCKKK" I scream at the top of my lungs in frustration. We've been trying to find the fucker that burned down our house for the past 6 weeks and he's been gettin lucky everyday we don't find him.

Tecno was assigned to hack every security camera around our area, in our warehouses and other businesses. We don't want to leave any clues hanging.

"Calm down cupcake. How about you go lay down and we can continue from here." Uncle William places his hand on my shoulder, I smack it off right away. "No, I'm finding this fucker. HE BURNED DOWN MY HOUSE...THE ONLY THING I HAD OF MY FATHER" I yelled what was frustrating me.

He took a step back in surprise, Scarr and Old Nick looked at me with confusion in their eyes. "what?" Uncle says in a whisper barely enough for me to hear. I felt heat in my face and a salty substance in my mouth.

Scarr gets closer and rubs his thumbs across my cheek, apparently drying tears from my face. He takes my hand and pulls me over to the couch that's in the office of the main warehouse. I sat down, Scarr sitting next to me and pulling me closer to his body with his arm on my waist.

I sobbed into his chest until I calmed down. His heartbeats were music to my ears and it was the one sound that managed to calm me down istintly. It was perfection and just the most, non-sexual, intimatest moment we've ever had. 

"Princess, you can talk to us" I feel Old Nick's hand on my knee and I force myself to look at him. His eyes are watery, ready to let go of a tear. That man was never able to hold his tears, at least in front of me.

I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my hand like a real dumb ass. Real cute Luna.

"For the past few days I've been dreaming of him. Seeing his face carved in my brain gave me nightmares and he used to tell me in the dreams to wake up and just walk around...every dream was a memory of his and an adventure for me. I wrote them all in a notebook I had in the's gone." I explained.

I hear Uncle William sniff, so I looked over at him. He was looking at the wall, then he turned around to face us and one single tear ran down his cheek. he walked over to me and sat in front of me. "I used to have one of those. He was adventurous and just reckless. Always found some way to have fun." he lowered his head in defeat.

"I understand that you feel like you have to do this, brother is gone and all I have of him, is you. I don't need to lose you before you even put your life at risk. Rest please, if not for me or yourself, do it for him" he finishes and I launch myself at him.

So I did as told. Spent five hours sleeping while the three of them spoke. It was a relief to not be tired, it all felt too good.

Next morning.....

Somehow we all managed to stay asleep in the office. Scarr slept next to me on the couch while Uncle and Old Nick took the floor.

We woke up around 10 in the morning, all ready to start the day. Full with energy, at least once we ate.

I needed to buy some clothes because obviously, mine got fucking burned. I did some online shopping with the boys yesterday. But I needed a few still, at least so that I don't smell like shit. The clothes still had two more days to arrive.

So, I went to the mall.

Uncle, Scarr and Old Nick didn't want me to go on my own but I told them I'll take Robert. Although he stays in the car for 'just in case we gotta run' moments. I've been circling the mall for at least 1 hour, I'm very indecisive. 

Not only that...I've been feeling uneasy ever since I came in here. You know that feeling on your neck when someone watches you or just stares at the side of your face and you want to make eye contact but you feel like someone could shoot you if you do? Well I was feeling that way.

As I passed a few more stores, I finally saw a store that caught my attention. Mainly because of a leader jacket that's there on display. Just when I was about to enter, I see someone following me from my peripheral vision so quickly I turn to them and make eye contact.

The man standing a few feet away from me slides his finger across his throat as a sign of "death". My eyes go wide, not enough to show fear but to show realization.

So I bolted. The inner Usain Bolt in me had become aware of the situation and sprinted towards the exit. Curse me for circling this damn place and fuck me for being on the second floor. I could hear the man footsteps behind me.

I looked back momentarily to see two more men running along his side. I quickly size them up just to see if I could beat them. Mostly likely, but they were three and I was just one. Plus, I left my gun in the car. Stupid ass Luna.

I took my phone out as an idea just popped in my head, so I called Robert. On the first ring he picked up, thankfully. I didn't have much time.

"Robert I don't have time to talk right now so I need you to listen to me" I say into the phone, running and dodging people out of my way. Who the fuck builds a mall this fucking big?

"What are you saying? Are you running?" he asks and I hummed at him. "Listen I need you to go to the warehouse and tell Scarr to track my necklace. The one he gave me. Tell him that I won't have my phone with me, so I need him to just track the necklace." I didn't even give him the chance to talk as I hung up the phone.

I threw my phone into the water fountain that was on the first floor by the entrance. I stopped running and turned around to be faced by the three man. I put my hand up in surrender and acted like I was hurt from the run, but in reality, I was pumping with adrenaline.

"Hi boys...nice to meet-" I was shut with a punch to my face and immediately I was knocked out cold. I didn't actually passed out, I had to fake it for my plan but fucker was strong!

I hope Robert delivers the message.

Beautifully scarredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon