Chapter 60

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"Guys...can we talk?" I walked out of my room covered in my sheets. 

Scarr, Uncle William, Old Nick, Robert, Dragon, Alex and Richard were in the living room watching Netflix.

Their heads snapped to where I was standing, they immediately turned the tv off and faced me. I walked towards them already sniffing as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Scarr said as he sat next to me on the couch. I started crying even more, not being able to hold the tears in anymore. Scarr placed his arm on my shoulder, pulling me closer to his body.

They all sat around me, trying to get as close as they could. Once I calmed down, Uncle William placed his hand on my right knee. "Cupcake, are you on your period?" he asked in a gently tone. I chuckled and cleaned the snot that was falling from my nose.

"No...there's something that I've been holding in for years and I wanted to tell you, well...all of you" I said and they perked up, seating straighter to focus on me.

"What is it Luna?" Scarr asked. The tone in his voice already sounded as if he was irritated. Now I'm scared to see his reaction.

"Old Nick, Uncle guys remember how on every birthday I always took at least 15 minutes to myself?" they nodded and I sighed. "Well, that was because I never really loved celebrating my birthday" I admitted and their eyes widened. 

"You could have said something princess, but why?" Old Nick says. 

"Back at the orphanage the kids, even the adults, would tease me on my birthday. They called it 'the day of your abandonment'. So I never was happy whenever it was my birthday" I say looking down at my hands.

"Those damn kids...give me names and I'll go castrate them" Alex say and I looked at him with shocked eyes. "Sorry" he said and I smiled.

"But that's not the only reason" I said. "Wait, when you turned told us you were on your period and didn't want to celebrate your was because of that?" Uncle William asked and I shake my head "no."

"They day before my birthday I was invited to a party back at 'boarding school'. There was this guy I tutored which I had a crush on and he said he would love for me to go with him." Scarr stood up from the couch walking over to the window. 

He turned around to face me but he never came close. Fury written all over his face. I looked him with a disappointed expression on my face. 

"To keep it short...he drugged me and ALMOST raped me" I closed my eyes ready for one of them to just shout. No one did, but Scarr punched the window which was shattered to pieces. I flinched at the sound but nevertheless kept my eyes shut.

"Luna...." Dragon said but I interrupted him.

"He didn't get to do anything, I punched him on the ribs when he started coming onto me and ran away. When I got to my room, I spend the whole night crying and shaking, having panic attacks. The next day, I knew Uncle and Old Nick would come over so I called and cancelled on them" I fished explaining and that's when Scarr sat next to me again.

Embracing me on his arms, he ran his hand up and down my back trying to sooth me. "God..I'm so sorry preciosa" he said and I let a tear fall down my face.

"Ever since, I always felt depressed the day before my birthday and even on my birthday. The reminder was too much." I rested my head on my hands sniffing as I did. They all stood up and gave me a group hug. 

"Luna, we are so sorry you had to go through that, specially on your own" Richard said and I hummed in response. "Can you guys leave me alone with her?" Uncle William said and they all nodded.

Walking out of the living room, Uncle William sat next to me and embraced me for another hug. "Why didn't you say anything before?" he asked and I shrugged. "Guess I was scared...I was too shocked. He...I thought he liked me" I said and he kissed my head on the side. 

"I'm sorry Cupcake" he whispered, his voice stammering and I looked up at him. He was crying. I wiped the tears off his face and kissed him on the cheek. "It's okay. I'm better now." I reply and he nods at me. 

"I still don't get why you didn't like your birthday before that" he says and I straighten up on the couch. "It always made me think of dad and how he didn't want me. I always lacked of self love and the fact that my own parents didn't want me, made it even worst" I admit and Uncle sighed heavily.

"My brother did love you Luna. He didn't want to involve you in any of this...he wanted to protect you, he wanted you to have a normal life. I was just selfish and thought that you deserved to be with family...with me.....and ultimately, I felt in love with you when I knew you were born. Even if I saw you first the time when you are 5" he said and I ran to him and hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you" I said and he kissed the top of my head. "Now I need that boy's name" he said and I laughed. "I may have already gotten revenge" I say and he looks at me shocked.

"You did what?!" Scarr yelled. 

Uncle and I snapped our heads at him and smiled. "Like two days later, I purchased something to make him unconscious, when he did, I numbed two of his fingers and cut them off." I admitted and he started clapping and laughing.

"Good job baby...I was about to go and killed the fucker myself" he said and I ran to him.

He caught me and picked me up in his arms...I rested my head on his shoulder while he rested his on mine. I picked up my head to see that it was 12 am on the clock. I then looked at Scarr in his eyes and he raised his eyebrow. 

"Happy birthday Scarr" I said and he looked at me dumbfounded. I pointed to the clock with my lips. He turned around and looked at the clock, he smiled and faced me again. 

"Feliz cumpleaños mi amor" (happy birthday my love) 

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