Chapter 1 - Opening fight

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"Report to you stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack." A loud voice over the speaker yelled out. I was stood wrapped up in both of my siblings arms. Apparently we were being attacked by the Avengers.

A loud bang came from outside of the tower one of them must've hit the energy shield. I was only 13 when the experiments were finally completed on me and my siblings. Now 14 during an Avengers attack. Losing my parents at 5. My life hasn't exactly been a cakewalk.

Strucker had perfected his design on Wanda and Pietro, at least that's what he told me before sticking me in a room with the glow stick of destiny. So I got 'special treatment' as he put it. I got both powers. So, Wanda's mental manipulation and Pietro's speed. I didn't have control over my powers for around a year. But I have somewhat control now... key word somewhat. I'm not in constant pain anymore but it comes and goes... it's kinda like there's a demon in my head trying to take control... I know it sounds crazy.

Another shake to the Hydra compound made Pietro planted a kiss on my head. I squeezed my eyes closed as he did the same to Wanda.

"Who gave the order to attack?" I heard Strucker ask as he entered the room. I opened my eyes to see him talking to one of the soldiers.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers." The man at the desk said. He opened his mouth to say something again but some other man with a gun came over and interrupted.

"They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked." The man holding the gun told Strucker and then ran off down the hall.

Strucker leant over to one of the doctors, Dr. List and whispered something. He turned back to the man at the computer.

"Can we hold them?" Stucker asked the man as he walked away from him.

"They're the Avengers..." He said trailing off.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate the fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks." Strucker said as he walked back down the small isle, looking at the screen briefly. He then turned back to Dr list and whispered something to him again.

They were having a small conversation and looking to me, Wanda and Pietro. I instantly looked away and focused in on my siblings. They were a few years older than me so whatever they told me to do I knew it would be in my best interest to do so. Like with us volunteering for Hydra experimentation, they said that maybe I shouldn't do it but I was old enough to know I should. I had a strange feeling that I should be doing this.

"We will not yield!" Strucker shouted out to his soldiers, which I guess included us. Wanda wasn't looking at him as he spoke but me and Pietro were. "The Americans sent thier circus freaks to test us. We will send them back, in bags." Strucker continued to yell, stopping at Dr. List again. "No surrender!" He yelled out.

"No surrender!" The soldiers repeated raising their fists and guns in the air.

Strucker then turned to Dr. List again and whispered something making me bored once again. Apparently Wanda and Pietro had decided we were going out to help fight back the Avengers.

"You feel up to it N/n?" Pietro asked me quietly as he side hugging me slightly.

"Yes." I replied just as quietly.

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