9d. ➝ Chapter 7 - Circus

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I awoke with a jump, pushing up off of the grass onto my hands and knees. Happy circus music started to seep into my ears. I frowned, blinking a few times to clear my vision as I sat up on my knees. I slowly started to inch my head around, slightly scared of what I might come across. My lips parted as I took in the full fledged circus happening behind me. I pressed my lips back together, raising up onto my feet. I scanned the workers of the circus, recognising every single one of them as original Sword workers. I would've laughed at the fact that Wanda turned them all into clowns and circus freaks if the situation wasn't what it was.

A shift in the grass behind me had me spinning back around. Vision was half sitting up, awake and as confused as I was. He promptly stood up, wobbling a bit as he did so. He then looked to me and frowned some more.

"You okay?" I asked taking a small step towards him. His eyes flicked to the clowns before he huffed out a breath and gripped his thankfully fully intact shoulder. "Vision?"

"What happened? Who are you? Why'd you try to help me? What's going on?" He hurriedly uttered out questions fast than I could answer. I opened my mouth to speak but before a single word could come out someone else spoke up from behind me.

"You're the new clown?" A man's voice asked. I spun around after seeing Vision eye him strangely. I sighed frustratedly when I came face to face with one of Hayward's main go to guys dressed up as a circus strong man. "Who are you supposed to be?" He directed towards me, a lot of spite coming through his words. I scrunched up my face, pushing my head back in disgust at his tone of voice. "Uh, at least you're already in makeup. You're late for rehearsal with the escape artist." He said turning back towards Vision. "Come on." He waved us over as he turned away.

The strong man walked towards one of the trucks and my eyes widened at the sight. Darcy was chained up at the front of it, puckering her lips as she looked up at the sky waiting for I'm assuming Vis. I instantly started to move forwards to her.

"Darcy, are you okay?" I asked hurriedly stopping in front of her, and thankfully Vision had followed me up to her too. A frown lit up her features as she glanced between me and Vision.

"Can I help you creepers?" She asked taking me aback slightly. I glanced over my shoulder at Vision who was frowning as well.

"You don't remember me from last night?" Vision spoke up pointing up at his own face. Darcy just raised her eyebrows and pushed her head forwards, shifting the chains around her. "We locked eyes. There was an unspoken understanding." Vision continued motioning two of his fingers between his and Darcy eyes.

"Um, hard pass." Darcy told him straight before tossing her shoulders up and yanking the chains around her off.

"The hex." I mumbled realising what had happened to her. "Darcy, wait up." I called after her retreating form. I started to jog after her waving Vision to follow.

We chased after her through the cicus only being close enough to talk to her when we reached a much busier portion of the site. It was filled with random acts and stalls. But we didn't stop to take any of it in.

"Hello? Excuse me. Uh, you tried to help me." Vision called out after her, she was refusing to stop.

"Doubtful. I'm notoriously self-involved." She said over her shoulder. While she was speaking Vision quickly managed to get in front of her forcing her to come to a sudden stop.

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