Chapter 3 - Nightmare

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(Third person)

Peter's eyes snapped open when the mattress underneath him sudden jolted. Being a superhero he's always prepared for threats so he shoved himself to sit up, his eyes hurriedly scanning the dark room for any possible danger. Everything looked slightly different than he remembered, but he just put it down to the room being almost pitch black. A frown formed on his face as he glanced to where his girlfriend was resting next to him. She laid on her side, face away from him; she had tucked her legs up into her chest for comfort, her head constantly twitching to the side every few seconds. One of her hands clutched at her pillow under her head while the other held on tightly to the edge of the mattress, her knuckles turned white at her incredible grip.

A sudden thought crossed his mind as he watched his struggling girlfriend deeply concern. How could he see her so clearly but not the surrounding furniture? It had to be like 2 o'clock in the morning. That's when his brain finally registered the purple glow radiating off of the bed. Peter frowned, his eyes once again scanning the room. Maybe it wasn't just cause it was dark that made everything look totally different. He decided to have a peek over the edge over the bed. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when he saw that he was not on the ground anymore, but instead several feet from it. Y/n was somehow making the bed float high into the air in her nightmare plagued sleep.

Panicked Peter shoved himself backwards, away from the edge and whipped around to face his girlfriend. He quickly began to shake her shoulder lightly, softly calling her name at the same time, trying to ease her out of her nightmare. That, luckily, seemed to be all she needed to be able to wake up. With a gasping breath her eyes snapped open, both of her bright purple irises along with the bed instantly faded back to their normal colours. The bed fell back to the floor with a crash making both teens shake. Y/n didn't seem as fazed as Peter did by the sudden jolt since she wasted no time in throwing the covers back and leaping out of the bed.

(Back to Y/n's POV)

What the hell just happened?! This is why I should never ever sleep, I'm not stable enough to do it. What if I hurt him, I could never live it down if I even put a scratch on him. The images from my nightmare flashed in front of my eyes at my thoughts. Peter's cowering form, the terrified look in his eye, the crazed look in mine.

"Y/n." Peter called breaking me from the horrifying images in my brain.

"I'm sorry, I... I... I." I mumbled out, my whole body trembling as I backed away from him. I let out a shaky breath, I looked down to my hands. I wasn't even conscious... I didn't even have to move my hands...

"Baby, it's okay." Peter assured making me look back up at him. Seeing my quivering lip he shoved the covers back, much like I did, and hopped out of bed. Him approaching me only made me tremble more, hurriedly backing away from him further. I remembered raising my hand up to him, no hesitation in my mind to just kill him right then and there.

"Don't." I demanded, he instantly froze, not wanting to scare me. "I'll hurt you..." My voice dropped drastically, my words leaving my mouth in a shaky whisper.

"No you won't." He told me, slowly raising his hands to show he meant no harm, but it wasn't him harming me that I was worried about. He carefully took a step towards me, I quickly took one away from him in response.

"Why do you trust me?" I asked, coming to a stop just before I collided with the hard wall. A look of hurt flashed in his eyes but he spoke nonetheless.

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