Chapter 2 - I need your help!

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Pulling myself up, using all the upper body strength I could muster. My chin passed the bar making me let out a harsh breath through my teeth. I aloud gravity to pull me back down towards the floor before I began pulling myself up again. I let out another breath yet again when my chin passed the bar. I dropped to the ground that having been the last pull up in my set of 20. I slowly took deep breaths trying to calm my rapid heart beat as I sat down on the bench with my stuff resting on it. Picking up my towel I quickly buried my face in it, groaning as I did so.

A sudden tug at the back of my brain made my head dart upwards. I frowned my brows and stared intently at the wall across from me. I ran the towel over the back of my neck and waited for something else to happen. Almost straight away my phone rang. I quickly picked it up fully expecting it to be Wanda. Glancing at the caller ID my brows knitted together. My eyes focused on the name as it continued to ring in my hand, Peter. I shock my head to pull myself out of my trance and answered the call.

"Peter, when I talked to you today I didn't mean that we were reopening lines of communication." I instantly spoke into my phone.

"Yeah, sure, but-" Peter started but he cut himself off by sharply inhaling.

"Peter? Are you ok?" I asked rather frantically. I stood up and started to pace in front of bench waiting for him to answer my question.

"Ye... yeah! But I need help!" He yelled back to me.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm being shot at by space lasers!!!" He yelled through the phone. My jaw clenched.

"Where are you?" I asked my Sokovian accent extremely prominent. He quickly told me, though he got interrupted a few times. I quickly hung up the phone and rushed to the my room. Grabbing my purple jacket, mask and my good running shoes. Luckily it wasn't school hour so I didn't have my bracelets on and I didn't plan on running into Vis.


I finally arrived at the location Peter told me, hovering in the air with my powers. He did say he was moving rather fast. My eyes widened when I heard Peter scream 'what the hell?!' In the distance I saw what looked like a giant bird holding Peter in his talons. As quickly as I could I zoomed up towards them both. But as I was a few meters away from them, the spider logo on Peter's back started blinking.

A parachute ejecting from his back so he was ripped out of the bird's talons and went flying back down towards earth. I glared up at the bird, his head snapping towards me. The bright green eyes terrifying me to my very soul. I turned back around and enveloped Peter in my purple magic and slowed him down. He started to struggle since he was wrapped up in his parachute.

Just when I thought everything was fine something clamped around my stomach making me drop Peter and turn around. The bird man had grabbed ahold of me. My hands scrambled at the metal claws wrapped around me trying to pry them off. Finally my brain started to work, I have magic. Snapping my arms as wide as they could go, the claws followed my arms and I went hurtling down towards the ground. My limbs were flying everywhere panic taking over my brain.

Water entered my vision. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I wouldn't have to fully save myself. Lighting my hands up I slowed my fall until I knew I'd survive if I hit the water. I let go of myself once I was 4 meters above the water and fell in with a harsh plop.

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