Chapter 10 - "I wanted him back."

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(Third person)

"Oh, Wanda. Movin' on up." Agatha chimed taking in the lavish bedroom that the younger Wanda was sat in. She sat on her bed in sweats watching her flat screen TV to keep her mind off... Well off everything. Off her brother's death and her sister's recent black out on the compound field. "So, where are we now?"

"Thr Avengers compound." Wanda answered almost immediately as she stared at her younger, brunette, self. "It was the first home Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead, Y/n was grieving and rushing off to high school and I was in a new country. I was all alone." She explained casting a small glance over her shoulder at Agatha before returning her gaze to herself.

"Vision?" Younger Wanda suddenly called over her shoulder, not taking her eyes off of the screen. Wanda and Agatha expectantly looked towards the far wall watching as Vis phased through it. The present day Wanda yet again transporting into her past self.

"I apologise. I don't mean to intrude." Vision apologised as Wanda turned away from the TV.

"You don't?" She asked dipping her head in question.

"Well, I suppose, yes, I did intend to come in here." Vision explained using his hand to point down to the floor, a small smile forming on his face.

"And now?" Wanda asked not returning the smile in the slightest.

"And... Well, whatever is your preference." He chimed, sporting a charming but slightly awkward smile.

Wanda stared at him for a second deciding what she wanted to do or say... But she made her decision and placed her hand on the duvet next to her. Vision responded in a curt nod and made his way over, taking his place beside her. His gaze flicked to the TV for a second before it returned to Wanda. She caught his gaze and sent him an extremely fake smile before looking to the TV for comfort, Vision following her gaze. They watched as the veranda's final nail was hammered in before the whole thing fell down.

"Is it funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?" Visison asked pointing to the TV screen.

"No, he's not really injured." Wanda replied staring at the screen as she did so.

"Ah." Vision hummed lifting his head. "How can you be certain?" He asked with another point at the screen.

"It's not that kind of show."

Vision watched Wanda with careful eyes for a second. He took a deep breath before deciding to speak up.

"Wanda, I don't presume to know what you're feeling, but I would like to know." Vision told her. Her eyes started to twitch causing her to start blinking to get rid of the irritation. Her lips parted as she thought back over the past week and a bit. "Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you." Wands took a deep breath as Vision finished his declaration, turning to face him.

"What makes you think that talking about it would bring me comfort?" She asked, eyes flicking between his.

"Oh, see, I read that the-" Vision started but Wands quickly cut him off, shaking her head dismissively.

"The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again." She semi-snapped at him. He slowly nodded in understanding, turning his head away from hers, instead looking at her door. Wanda's eyes however flicked to the floor, a wave of guilt washing over her. She looked down at her lap before gulping and raising her head to the TV. "Sorry." She hoarsely whispered out. "I'm..." She started making Vision turn to her. "I'm so tired." She somberly chuckled before sighing, pursing her lips and sealing her eyes shut. "It's..." She started again opening her eyes. "It's just like this wave washing over me, again and again." She explained scratching her top lip uncomfortably all the while Vision listened intently. "It knocks me down, and when I try to stand up, it just comes for me again. And I ca-. It's just gonna drown me."

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