9e. ➝ Chapter 8 - Prisoner

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Author note #2

I would just like to say something before these next 3 chapters. Basically the scenes in episode 8 include Y/n, for obvious reasons, and I didn't just want it to be random scenes but fluid like the episode was. So, I just wrote out the whole thing! This is a longer author note than I thought it was going to be... Much love and enjoy!! <3

(Third person)

"Hm? Hm? What?" Agatha hummed, lifting her pet rabit up her ear like she was listening to what it had to say. "No, I know." She said pulling the rabit away from her ear and looking down at it. She let out a puff of air pretending to be a giggle as she took a glance at Wanda. "She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn't she?" She directed back down to the rabit. She chuckled once again as she lowered the rabit completely, looking over to Wanda. She ignited her eyes trying to take a peak onto the woman who was a stranger to her now's head. She got nothing but silence. "That's adorable." Agatha chuckled as Wanda's eyes faded back to their natural green colour. "My thoughts are not available to you, toots. They never, ever were." Agatha told her, scrunching her nose as she turned around. "So don't go givin' yourself a migraine. We've got work to do." She chimed as she placed her rabit down on a nearby cabinet.

"Where are my children?" Wanda asked, her accent making it's reappearance.

"'Where are my children?'" Agatha mocked, using a fake deep voice that was supposed to sound like a Sokovian accent. She huffed out a chuckle making her way around her dark dungeon so she was standing opposite Wanda. "Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it?"

"Where are they?" Wanda snapped, shooting her hands up in front of her face. She went to use her magic but like when she tried to look into Agatha's mind nothing happened. Her hands started to tremble as she came to the realisation that she all but defenseless. She huffed out a breath of disbelief, taking a step back and examining her hands.

"Oh, your magic's no good here." Agatha chimed making Wanda's head lift. She suddenly snapped her arms open, dark purple magic forming in her palms. Wanda groaned out as her arms and legs were secured together. With a sweeping motion of her hand Agatha brought her in close, forcing her to hover above the ground. Wanda yelped out, breathing heavily as she came to a sudden halt. Agatha smirked and recrossed her arms, assumed at Wanda struggling to get free. "Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell, one on each wall?" Agatha asked pointing up at the walls. Wanda frantically looked around taking in the symbols that surrounded her, each one glowing a bright purple colour. "No? Nothing? These are runes, Wanda. In a given space, only the witch who cast the runes can use her magic." Agatha explained, poking her fingers into her cheek. She started to move to face Wanda, circling her like she was a fly caught in a spider web. "How do you not know the fundamentals?"

"Who are you?" Wanda asked in a quiet voice.

"Who are you?" Agatha quickly returned now facing Wanda directly. "All those costumes and hairstyles." She let out sigh, lulling her head to the side. "I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self." She said tapping her finger tips together. "I got close with fake Pietro." She muttered nodding her head to the side. "Fietro, if you will, but no dice." She explained starting to once again move around Wanda's floating body.

"That was you." Wanda mumbled, following Agatha with her eyes.

"No, it wasn't literally me." Agatha aruged. "Just my eyes and ears." She explained a smug smile taking over her face. "A crystalline possession. Necromancy was a non-starter since your real brother's body is on another continent." She mindlessly chattered, arriving at Wanda's back, leaning in so she could whisper the last part of her thought. "Not to mention, full of holes." Wanda's head started to sway, like she was refusing to hear anything Agatha was saying. "But you're so crippled by your own self doubt that you believed it. Oh, Wanda." She sighed moving around to face her head on. "Oh, when I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once..." She said turning her back to Wanda and reaching her hands up to the Heavens. "Oh, I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She admitted spinning back around, hands still raised.

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