Chapter 7 - The Forerunner

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"There are other characters in it. But principally, Iago, and he's a clever man and he's a military man and he, um..." I rolled my eyes at prince Loki describing the newest great work by William Shakespeare.

At the sound of the trumpets beginning to blear out through the halls I stood up straighter next to my sister. My eyes followed the path of music to the five men playing the instruments to signal the start of the session.

"Our Lord Highness, our great king, the one most worthy, Thor Odinson!" Hogan stepped forward at the bottom of the steps that led up to the throne. He threw his hand out at the end of his introduction in the direction of the throne behind me.

I assume that our king began to stand as the eyes of those in the crowd lifted but before another word could be uttered the ground rumbled. I lost balance alongside everyone in the courtroom, my hand reaching up to clutch my sister's forearm out of reflex.

I looked up in horror as bright green lightning began to crack below the ceiling. The whole room began to glow with the eerie green colour of the rifts that had been affecting our world.

"It's here." My sister spoke up, forcing my eyes from the rift and terrified screaming citizens.

"Good, then we can put an end to this." I nodded my head curtly, letting go of her and standing on my own.

"The storm is upon us!" My sister yelled out, her hands waving in a large circle. I caught on to her idea and began to copy her movements. Bright red beams shot out from my sister's hands, and moments later my own glowing purple beams burst forth from mine.

Our combined magic collided with the ceiling and spread like wildfire across the width and length of the space. The rift was completely closed off from everyone below it but it was difficult to contain. I could already begin to feel the strain on my muscles and mind.

I flinched when a loud crash echoed from the other side of the great hall. Banner burst through the wall, slapping any guard that came near him with ease.

"Signal! Signal! Signal!" He yelled multiple times, letting out a particularly loud one at the end. That is what Stark meant by we'll know it when we saw it?

"Banner?" I heard king Thor utter from higher on the steps.

I caught my sister's questioning gaze, but I didn't speak. As the fighting began I turned my full attention to the rift high above that threatened to consume everyone in the building. I doubted that this one was simply going to disappear like the others had. This one was going to consume everything if we didn't fix it here and now. I had to put my faith in Stark's device. With that thought I gritted my teeth and shoved my hands closer to the ceiling, straining further.

"My king, we are short on time." Wanda huffed, the barrier we were creating between the rift and the people becoming more strenuous to hold as the rift fought back.

It felt like hours that the chaos ensued in the great hall before Captain Carter landed in front of the steps. My eyes flicked over to her shining shield, a strange sense of relief filling me at the sight.

"You dare sully this royal hall with your face?" King Thor glared down at her.

"Thor, you need to trust me and hand over the sceptre." Peggy said loudly over the noise of people fighting and the cracking the rift was causing to echo on the walls.

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