8b. ➝ Chapter 5 - That's a good question

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Meanwhile in another universe.

(Third person)

Peggy pulled out the fob from her pocket, clicking the button to unlock the doors making the expensive car chirp back at her in recognition.

"Does Stark know you're stealing his car?" Natasha asked, stepping out of the shadows and placing her hand on her hip.

"I thought I'd go out." Peggy explained. "It's Friday night, after all."

"Without saying goodbye?" Nat responded instantly.

"Steve's out there somewhere." Peggy said, referring to the man she'd loved and lost, twice now. "And I know you don't believe he can be saved, but I do. I have to."

"Okay. Let's hit the road." A smile crossed Nat's face as she invited herself into Peggy's next adventure.

"I am the Watcher." Uatu spoke up, his towering figure shrouded in the shadows behind the two women. "I see all, I observe all, I know... What the hell is this?"

Uatu was cut off by the concrete behind Peggy cracking. The snaking cracks shifted through the dense concrete with ease, fracturing it. A mix of red and purple glow poured out through the cracks being created in an instant.

"Hey." Peggy called out, spinning on her heel to stare down at the cracks moving towards her. Her shocked face lit up with a purple and red glow from beneath her. "Natasha!" It was already too late for Natasha to do anything. A pool of bright red and purple formed at Peggy's feet sucking her through the floor.

"Peg!" Nat shouted, sliding across the hood of Tony's car and extending her hand down to her friend who was already lost. "Peggy?!" The pool of colour closed as fast as it had opened, leaving Natasha to fall onto the hard concrete. "Peg!" She called again, slamming her fist down. "Where are you?"

"That's... a good question." Uatu dragged out, peering over the shoulder of the red head.


Peggy awoke with a sudden gasp, her eyes snapping open to gaze up at the stars and treetops above. Her eyes flitted around nervously, swiftly surveying the unfamiliar territory. Slowly she pushed herself up so she was halfway to sitting. Her eyes landed on the figure in front of her, a man bathed in red from one side and purple from the other.

"That is she?" He spoke, his voice sounding familiar to Peggy. "The one who can save our queen?"

As he finished his sentence, two women stepped forward joining him on each side. Both of their hands were glowing, the older of the two had a bright red orb floating in her right hand. Whereas the younger on the man's left had purple whips floating around her fingertips. Both of them contributing to the colourful light cast upon the woods Peggy now found herself in.

"More." The older of the two answered. "She will save our world."

Peggy let out a groan and watched the younger woman place her hands on her hips.

"So much for taking a night off." Peggy complained. "Watcher? Watcher?" She began to call out to the night sky above.

"We mean you no harm, Miss Carter." The younger one finally spoke up. "We need your help."


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