Chapter 10 - Well, myself

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"Peter, go deal with the others. I'll deal with me." I told him, he gave me a hesitant nod before yanking his mask on and pushing himself off of the statue.

Letting out a steady sigh I lit my hands up and began to float myself up to meet her. On the way she just stared me down, trying to intimidate me. Dillon's on the other hand decided to throw his hand out and shoot several bolts of electricity my way. Not having it I effortlessly raised my hand and blocked it with a large shield on my right side. He eventually gave up noticing it was now doing nothing to me and dove down, going for one of the three Peter's.

When I reached eye level with my alternate self I fully took in her appearance. Her fingers were slightly inky and black. Her hair was slightly frizzy and knotty as if she hadn't been bothered to brush it for years. The right side of her crown had the tip of the curve missing so it was more squared. Her skin was also smeared with what looked like blood or maybe caked up dirt and mud. She truly looked like a rougher version of myself. I hope this wasn't my future although she looked to be no older than me so that was a good sign.

"Give me the box." She was the first to speak.

"Why do you want it?" I asked, quirking a brow at... well, myself.

"It's not what you think. I'm going to press the button." She answered, her lips returning to their straight line after she finished speaking.

"You want to go home?" I asked for clarification. The only response I got was the smallest nod from her. "Well, we've got a small situation going on right now. So, if you could just wait for like half an hour, you can be on your way." I offered her, a fake smile spreading across my face.

"I have no time to wait for your petty squabble to be over." She snarled back.

"Okay." I blinked rapidly, trying to think of what to say next.

"You are wasting my time." She huffed with a roll of her eyes. "I truly hope this is not what all my variants are like." I scoffed at her claim.

"Excuse me?" I asked, slightly offended.

"Seriously." She rolled her eyes once more before an angry expression crossed her face and she shot out her hand at me. A beam of purple energy admitted from her palm but I was able to block the blast with my own purple shield.

"And we were having such a nice talk." I shouted over to her, having to speak louder because of the noise her magic against mine was letting off.

"No, we weren't." She scowled, shoving her hand closer to me causing more pressure to form on my shield.

Swiftly I dropped my shield and let myself fall a few feet before stabilising myself and grabbing onto her foot yanking her down. She fell for barely a second before she was able to steady herself and shoot off more magic towards me. This time I wasn't ready for it and I went flying backwards into a row of scaffolding below. I slid against the shiny metal before I came to a stop while I huffed out rapid breaths.

Gracefully the other me managed to float down and land at the edge of the scaffolding in front of me. She glared at me as I raised my head to look her in the eyes.

"You're an amateur." She told me, glare easing up slightly.

"Well, that's just not very nice." I huffed out, pushing myself up so I was sitting up, leaning back on my hands. I pushed the groan that threatened to escape me at the wave of pain that crashed over me from my wrist.

Experimental (Peter Parker x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin