Upfront - Schedule Update

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Hi, long time no see, I know. I've actually found myself missing this book a lot! But thankfully I've got something to talk about today. If you don't care, don't read, pretty simple. If you do! Let's dive into the update!

So! Upfront is a presentation thing that happened today (as of writing this today is the fifteenth)! I had no idea it was a thing, I must live under a rock or something. I don't know. But it was a very welcome surprise to wake up to this morning.

And in this I'm going to be explaining how the latest Marvel news from their presentation affects this book. <3

Agatha All Along

This show has been on my radar for obvious reasons since it was first announced. And if you don't know about it, now you do. It's an upcoming Disney Plus show centred around Agatha from WandaVision. This is absolutely going to be included in this book! I am really looking forward to it, in terms of expanding my own Experimental universe, is what we're gonna call it. I already have ideas floating around my head, even though we know next to nothing about it except for the various title changes it has gone through.

It premieres September eighteenth! And there will undoubtedly be trailers, which I will be converting into my own teasers for the section of Experimental. I already know however I will be waiting for the whole show to be released before I begin to publish my work. For the simple reason that I like to have the whole story so I can figure out my own.


Okay, Ironheart now has a release window for next year. From what I've heard the show is going to be about magic versus technology, and a certain person that I may have introduced at the end of my MoM chapters in my post credits scene. So! If that is the case for the storyline I'm very excited to introduce Ironheart into Experimental! But of course, we'll get trailers and we shall see how that goes!

Daredevil: Born Again

The final announcement we got today (fifteenth) was about the upcoming Daredevil show coming out in March next year. As of current I'm not planning on adding it into my upcoming slate. My plans could obviously change however. I've heard rumours about someone appearing in it but I'm not sure if that's true or not. I am very excited to see the show however!

And that is all the news we got for today! I will be doing this again if we get a large-ish douse of news in July with Comic-Con and August with D23. So! Thank you for reading and I look forward to the next time I'm given an opportunity to post. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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