Chapter 4 - Escape

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Breaking in was the easy part, getting there was a long walk. My legs now felt like they contained copious amounts of assorted metals. My left leg was killing me, and causing me to limp through the halls with a small trail of blood left in my wake. I needed medical supplies, and fast. Having attended this school for a few months now was proving useful since I knew exactly where the nurses kept all their supplies.

I drew closer to the nurses office, scanning every door proficiently as I went past. The last thing I needed was a teacher poking their head out and asking me questions. No one was supposed to be here as it was way past midnight but I couldn't let my guard down. Dreykov could've easily figured out where I was and sent the remaining Widows in my area to the school. I heard the smallest noise from behind me.

I cast my eyes to the side, my breath catching in my throat but I continued to limp forward. Carefully I shifted my hand in front of me, craning my wrist down and activating my widow's bite. I counted down from three in my head before I whipped around and fired at the person that had descended from the ceiling. The red electric burst shot out from my wrist and landed on the person's chest. They let out a loud scream, flopping down from the ceiling to limply land on the floor.

My breathing was shaky but being able to see who was sneaking up behind me due to the moonlight coming through the window let me feel a little bit of ease. It wasn't anyone from the Red Room, in fact it was someone dressed head to toe in a red spandex suit with a black spider emblem on the chest. My breathing began to pick up once more as my brain made the association.

Not being able to risk anything at this stage I decided I only had one option. I dragged the person into the nearest classroom. Securing his legs tightly with the thin rope in my belt, I disconnected it and threw the other end around one of the cross beams on the ceiling. Summoning all the strength I had left I pulled on the rope, thankful I had gloves on, hoisting my assailant up to dangle in the air. Tying the end off around one of the radiator pipes to make sure they wouldn't just be let down.

Now that that was taken care of, I hobbled back out into the hall and entered the nurses offices. I ransacked most of the supplies I thought I would need. A couple of bandages, some needles and thread to perform basic stitch work, a pair of scissors, gauze and some disinfectant. I pulled up a chair in front of the masked person back in the classroom, scattering the various items on the desk next to me.

I began cutting a clean square around my self made wound so I could access it easier. I examined it as I sat the scissors back down, it didn't appear to be back enough to need stitches as far as I could tell, a trained doctor might say different however. I cut off a piece of gauze and splashed it with the disinfectant. Bringing my hand up to my mouth, I bit down on the side of my glove and began to clean the wound, muffling my groans. Once that was over my head felt woozy, but I perceived and started tightly wrapping a long strip of gauze around my entire thigh.

I leant back in my chair, closing my eyes as I leant my head back so I was looking up at the ceiling above me. What the hell had I done? Thoughts filled my head, images of the brutal acts I'd committed in Dreykov's name for years. At the start it had been simply about survival but once Natasha escaped everything got so much worse. It was like I was forced to take the backseat of my own car, Dreykov driving me places.

My eyes slowly opened and I leant back forward in my chair, my gaze landing on the person in front of me. They were still unconscious, I could tell but I had no idea who they were. Why were they here at this early in the morning, I suppose. I shakily stood from my chair and limped forward until I was standing directly in front of the mask individual.

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