Chapter 12 - Something only you would know

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I stood anxiously at the jet door as Happy landed within a massive field of bright coloured tulips. After what felt like a lifetime the door retracted down, forming the stairs down onto the ground. My eyes frantically scanned the field for Peter and when they finally locked with his my heart shattered into hundreds of pieces.

As I decented the foldaway stairs I took in Peter's appearance. He had on a bright orange shirt, that definitely wasn't his; his stealth suit underneath it, now without his mask. But more importantly, he had scratches lining his face. One hand was pressed to his thigh as he limped along between the two different colours of tulips.

The second my feet hit the dirt I took off towards him, Happy just now standing at the out of the stairs.

"Stop!" Peter suddenly yelled out, making me freeze in place since he seemed actually scared.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I asked, my waterline prickling, I could feel tears were soon to form. Maybe he suddenly was afraid I'd hurt him... And I couldn't blame him for that. "You're scaring me." I admited.

"Tell me something only you would know!" Peter demanded, holding up his hand making it clear that he didn't want me to come any closer.

"What?" I asked, confusion lacing my slightly wavering voice.

"Just do it." He urged.

"Um, okay... Um..." I frowned, my eyes darting down to the dirt as I thought deeply. What is something that only I would know... Crap, I felt like he was testing me and I was sure to fail. "Oh! Okay! I've got it!" I happily grinned looking back up to meet his eyes. "You and I have burner phones. We both have each others numbers memoried for emergencies were we need to get off the grid but still be able to contact each other. We've never told a soul that we have them." I tell him rather hastily. Luckily I seemed to have answered correctly because he visibly relaxed.

"Oh thank God." I barely heard Peter mutter before he continued to hobble over to me. He swiftly crashed into my arms, wrapping his arms around my back so tightly that I thought he was going to snap me in half. But he was clearly scared so I didn't waste a minute wrapping my arms around him just as tightly, trying my best not to injure him further. I sent a worried glance over my shoulder at Happy before resting my head on the side of Peter's. I heard him release a heavy breath, his body relaxing before he all of a sudden became ridged again. I was about to ask what was wrong but he slowly started to loosen his harsh grip on me. Carefully he ushered me behind him protectively, making me frown as he stared down Happy.

"Oh. Oh, okay." Happy muttered out realising that Peter wanted to test him just like he did with me. Why did Peter want us to prove who we were? "Uh, you... remember when we went to Germany? You pay-per-viewed a movie in your room? They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk. And you didn't know how I knew-"

"Okay, okay, fine!" Peter hurriedly cut Happy off from going on any further with that story. I couldn't help but lightly snicker at the story Happy was reciting, never having heard it before. "It's you, it's you, it's you. Stop." It barely took Peter a second before he was quickly hobbling over to Happy, wrapping his arms around him like he had with me. Happy hesitantly wrapped his arms around Peter's back, looking over to me with a concerned frown I now shared. I heard Peter mutter something under another relieved sigh.

"Peter, you'll have to tell us what the hell is going on here." Happy said, his eyes never leaving mine.


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