8d. ➝ Chapter 8 - Strange Supreme intervened

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Meanwhile in another universe.

(Third person)

"Time." Uatu's voice announced, the word echoing. "Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities. Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am The Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me. And ponder the question... What If...?"

(Widow Y/n's POV)

Gasping for air, my palms planted themselves firmly on the hard ground below. It felt like it was the first time in months that I'd been able to breathe freely. My lungs burned with the amount of oxygen I was drastically sucking in. Having enough oxygen now flowing to my brain I shoved myself up off the ground and took in my surroundings.

Havoc and chaos ensued in the great hall. The walls stretched for miles, extending so high up I could barely see the ceiling. And hundreds of people were in the hall, fighting each other off as if their lives depended on it. My breathing became shallow as my eyes frantically scanned every face in the crowd.

"I know you." A low voice said from behind me. I didn't have the time to turn around before a pair of large arms wrapped around my throat from behind. My air supply was immediately cut off forcing my hands to fly up, trying to pry whoever this was off me.

Finding that digging my nails into the person's flesh did nothing, I reared my elbow back, slamming it into the person's face. That had an effect on them. Their arms loosened enough to allow me to breathe once more. I sucked in a breath. I understand why so many people were fighting in here, I just had to join in.

Not giving my attacker a moment to recover, I gripped their arms that were still loosely caging in my neck. Using that I flipped up, causing the grip to fall entirely and for me to end up sitting on their broad shoulders. Swiftly securing my legs around their neck I squeezed to abruptly cut off their oxygen. Once they began to gasp for breath and claw at my legs I leant back. Pulling them backward with me, I was able to slam them into the hard flooring while I was left huffing as I crouched on the ground.

(Third person)

Kahhori and Peggy came to their second stop. Instead of being faced with a grand prison fight bathed in blue light, they came to a halt in a dark room filled with purple smoke.

"What's this?" Peggy questioned, looking down at the smoke gathering around their bodies. A faint growling put Kahhori on high alert.

"Did you hear that?" She asked.

"I was hoping I hadn't." Peggy admitted, looking up from analysing the smoke that seemed drawn to her fingers.

The room suddenly lit up brighter, allowing the harrowing threat ahead visible to them. Casting the purple light was a girl standing in their path, except her arm was completely twisted around the wrong way and her posture was hunched over. The worst part of it was that she wasn't alone. Another girl stood next to her, causing a bright red to intertwine with the purple. She was just as hunched over as the first girl, but her limbs were all the correct way. The low growling filling the room was coming from these two.

"Oh no. Not them." Kahhori let slip off her tongue.

The smoke funnelling into the room burned brighter as the two girls lit up their hands, viewing Kahhori and Peggy as an unwelcome threat. Several more bodies began to enter the space as if they'd crawled up through the floor. They rose in time with the younger witch raising her hands high above her head. All the new zombies growled at the two in front of them, eyes burning the same bright purple as the fog.

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