Chapter 2 - Grand Central

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"Zombie freakin' apocalypse and I'm still driving." I heard Happy complain upfront. I sniffled slightly as I lifted my head off of Peter's shoulder before resting it back down in a more comfortable position.

"You okay?" Peter asked, linking our fingers that were resting on his knee.

"Mhm? Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled flashing a pained smile at the back of the seat Bucky was sat in.

"You sure?" He asked, the worry in his voice making my heart swell. I always find it so, so sweet when he was worried about me.

"I'm absolutely perfectly fine." I smiled softly up at him. To be honest I wasn't sure if I was okay or not... I act like I'm fine but... I just kinda feel a little numb sometimes.

Happy's sudden scream got me shooting up off Peter's shoulder, getting ready to fight something while unintentionally making my eyes glow. The whole van shook as it went back up to full size, obliterating the zombie that was about to kill us.

"All right, everybody, it's Grand Central." Happy told us. I quickly shook my head, blinking a few times to get rid of the purple glow in my eyes.

We all piled out of the van and cautiously snuck into the massive station.

"Hope, Banner, Maximoff, Parker, track seven. See if you can hotwire the train." Okoye instructed as she walked out in front of the rest of us.

"Sounds like a job for criminal. I will help." Kurt announced making me nod a thank you at him.

"Uh, splitting up?" Peter spoke up, scratching at the back of his neck. "Do you guys not have horror movies in Wakanda?" He asked dropping his arm back down to his side.

"We don't need them. We have American reality shows." Okoye said making me stifle my quite laugh with my wrist. Those shows definitely go under the horror category.

"Boom goes the dynamite." Kurt said pointing his fingers at Okoye. "That was solid burn on all of us."

"Uh, I'm not American." I corrected pointing at my mouth so he'd hear the accent. "I'm not even part American." I rolled my eyes as the five of us split off to go down to the train tracks.

Once we got down to the train tracks, we spotted the train, thank god, and rushed towards it. I stayed outside scanning the stairs, I was the guard just in case the others failed. The last defense that was me, lots of pressure. Although that was the plan, Peter refused to leave me alone. He stood next to me staring down the stairs, both of us tense.

"No juice. We're getting no juice." Kurt groaned over comms. Even though they were just behind us we still couldn't hear them without comms. "Train, please be working for daddy." I scrunched my nose up, I've never liked that word, even before I found out what it was being used for these days. "It's not working." Kurt groaned.

"We're locked out of the gear box." Bruce explained.

"I'm on it. I can jump-start the engine from the inside." Hope said in her usual super serious voice. "Spark ignition's not firing. We need someone to give us a push."

"Perhaps you summon you're inner green demon." Kurt suggested to I'm assuming Bruce.

"No. He's on sabbatical. Any other ideas?" Burce asked. I turned to Peter tilting my head at him while sticking out my lower lip.

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