Chapter 1 - Field trip

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Today was the day of our class' field trip to the Museum of Modern Art. None of us were overly excited about going on it but what could we do, it's a compulsory trip.

Me and Peter have been going strong for nearly a year now. After a pretty amazing official first date we decided that we should give dating a try. And it was going splendidly. Although the thought of hurting him was still in the back of my mind, I just couldn't seem to get rid of it. But other than that we were inseparable.

I hummed an almost silent tune as I floated down a small lunch I had made for myself this morning. Peter lay behind me on my bed, we had a plan to get to school ready for the trip. He stayed with me at the compound last night so we could spend the morning together and then get to the school.

Peter suddenly sighed loudly behind me, he rustled around for a few seconds making me glance over my shoulder. He had shifted so he was lying on his stomach looking up at me. I hid my small smile from him by concentrating back in on my packing.

"You wanna know something?" He asked suddenly.

"Sure." I answered not looking at him. Slowly I floated my water bottle into my small backpack.

"I still can't get over the fact that you pack like that." He praised making me chuckle under my breath. I hovered my phone and keys so they were sitting next to my bag, I was sure to forget them if I didn't move them now.

"You've seen me do this a million times." I continued to laugh.

"I know but I can't get over it." He began to chuckle. "My girlfriend moves things with her mind." He praised again. Having finished packing my bag for the day I quickly lay down on my stomach so I was facing him.

"And my boyfriend can climb walls. What's your point?" I asked giggling a little.

"No point really." He said shrugged as much as he possibly could. I chuckled, placing my hand face up on the bed. He gladly took it and intertwined our fingers together.

"You're really cute, you know that?" I asked a massive smile etched on my face. A matching smile quickly formed on his face. I slowly leaned over to him so I could peak a quick kiss to his lips. I pulled back, though still stayed close to him. "We should probably start thinking about getting to school." I told him making his smile instantly fade.

"Or we could just skip it." He muttered staring me down. I smiled sadly and gave him another quick peck.

"You know we can't do that." I told him, he nodded sadly at me. I slid backwards until my feet touched the floor. I gave him a light look telling him to get up and let go of my hand. He brought our joined hands up to his face before placing a small kiss on the back of mine. He let go of me then rolled to the side and off my bed.

I stood up properly and wandered over to my bag. I shoved my phone into my back pocket and slung my bag over my shoulder so I was ready to leave. I slid my keys into my hand and turned back to face Peter. By the time I turn back to face him he had also thrown his bag on his back.

"Ready to go?" I asked, fiddling with the keys in my hand. He nodded so I turned back to my door.

"Wait." He called out making me spin back around. He quickly marched his way over to me. Slipping his hand onto my neck, he smashed his lips on mine.

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