Chapter 11 - You did what?!

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(Y/n's POV)

Brad's calm moment seemed to fizzle away as quickly as it came. His face scrunched back up in rage as he looked back up at me, I could feel my eye twitch as his harsh gaze landed on me.

"Are you stupid?" He quietly yelled, not wanting to draw any attention from out in the hallway. "He's- He's- And you're in love with him? He's cheated on you Y/n. He sneaks off, away from the class without any explanation! All the weird things seem to happen when he's around. And his grades are constantly flip flopping."

"Brad, yelling at me isn't going to help this situation." I calmly stated but that seemed to rile him up more.

"Maybe you don't know the real him? Ever think of that?" Brad spat as he stepped closer, this time I didn't back away squaring my shoulders instead.

"Brad, stop."

"He doesn't love you, Y/n." Brad said, shattering my heart, that was what I was afraid of. And Brad actually saying it hurt more than anything, except Peter himself saying it. "But I do."

"No you don't." I quickly shook my head in denial, tears starting to brim my eyes.

"He certainly doesn't show it. Where is he right now? Oh that's right out with your best friend. Not here with you. Where was he at the rest stop earlier, with some random chick hooking up with her. Open your eyes Y/n, or are you really that blind." Brad was breathing heavily as his rant came to a halt, more tears having accumulated on my waterline. The familiar tickle that signifys I was about to cry making it's appearance.

Before Brad could continue or I could speak up, there was a knock on the door before it slowly creeked open. Thankful for the interruption I looked to the door, watching as Peter poked his head through the gap he'd created. I watched his brows frown deeply as his gaze landed on Brad then flicking over to me standing in front of him. He straightened up as he entered the room properly, leaving the door partially open.

"Brad, what..? What are you doing here?" Peter asked with a slightly hostile tone in his voice, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I was just-" Brad started but I quickly shook my head and interrupted him before he could get out anymore words.

"Leaving. You were just leaving, Brad." I tried to be harsh but my voice seemed to crack under the tears still lacing my eyes.


"Brad get our before I throw you out." I told him sternly, my accent accidentally wedging it's way into my voice. "Now!" I demanded after seeing the annoyed look on Brad's face. Taken aback but my sudden change in demeanor Brad sulked out of the room without much trouble, Peter's eyes narrowed as he watched him leave.

The second Brad was gone I shook my head, running my hand harshly through my hair. Could this vacation get any worse? With a sigh I dropped my hand back down to my side, regaining Peter's attention. He quickly made his way over to me, standing in front of me where Brad had been but the close proximity didn't make me want to punch Peter in the throat like it did with Brad.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying?" He asked tentatively bring his hands up to cup my cheeks, gently brushing the pads of his thumbs underneath my eyes to rid them of tears. "Do I need to kick his ass?" He asked, completely serious from the sound of his voice.

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