8c. ➝ Chapter 6 - The year is 1602

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Meanwhile in another universe.

(Third person)

"Time." Uatu's voice announced, the word echoing. "Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities. Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am The Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me. And ponder the question... What If...?"


"What you're seeing has all the makings of a Shakespearean tragedy." Uatu narrates as Thor sits on his newly acquired throne. Forced onto it since his sister has been lost through the rift. "A king marred by loss. A soldier on the run." He continued as Peggy ran from rooftop to rooftop, Uatu's enormous silhouette appearing in the night sky. "A world on the brink of oblivion. The year is 1602. She is Captain Peggy Carter. But how does a time-displaced super-soldier end up in such a strangely familiar reality?"

Peggy landed on the other side of the large gap, standing up straight, heroically in front of Uatu's looming figure. His eyes glowing like the stars in the sky. Peggy continued to sprint as far away as she could from the king now out to get her.

"The sad truth is that there are worlds among the Multiverse simply meant to die." Uatu dragged out, watching Peggy continuing along the roofs. "But every once in a while, a glimmer of hope can emerge."

The city was replaced with a familiar forest. Both Maximoff sisters stood proud next to their queen and prince gazing over their shoulders. Both women summoned their respective magic into the palms of their hands. Large orbs in the colours of red and purple that they then extended out with one hand, casting a beam down to the forest floor.

"With their world collapsing in on itself, a band of heroes gathered together to save their reality."

A large burst erupting from the growing whirlpool of red and purple magic. The glow cast on everything in the vicinity. The beams from their hands cut off, causing the two witches to share at glance. Slowly the younger walked around the whirlpool of colour, dropping to her knees on the opposite side of the whirlpool to her older sister.

"The Scarlet Witch, Wanda Merlin and The Violet Witch, Y/n Merlin, used their powers to reach into a neighbouring universe for a warrior."

With a silent scream Wanda moved her hands from either side of her body up in a circle. She threw them up into the air, her younger sister following her movements on the opposite side of the circle. A larger beam than the one from their hands shot up from the ground with force. The mix of red Chaos magic and purple Dark magic cast the forest in an unnatural glow. Their onlookers' capes fluttered violently in the wind that the two sisters were creating with the powerful combination of their magic.

"One willing to face impossible odds to save a dying reality that's not her own."

Nick Fury and Prince Thor Odinson stare in shock at what they were bearing witness to, something not many others could claim to see in their lifetime. Wanda struggled ever so to keep her magic flowing up into the sky, but she pushes on, gritting her teeth together. On the opposite side of the beam Y/n seals her eyes shut, concentrating with all her might on the soldier that could be the answer to their problem.

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