Chapter 4 - A shift in reality

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"What do you think?" MJ asked, spinning her notebook around. A small smile crossed my lips as I gazed up at the drawing she'd created of me. In her sketch I was lying on the floor like I was currently, my maths book displayed in front of me, my pen floating in the air with lines around it suggesting movement.

"I like it." I smiled before shifting my eyes back to the problem I was working on. "It looks good." I muttered starting to write down the needed formula. MJ hummed from on top of her bed; she suddenly huffed out, dropping her head down onto her duvet.

"You know schools basically over. Why're you torturing yourself with math?" She asked.

I shook my head, glancing between the formula I'd written out and the actual question I was trying to answer.

"It's keeping my mind distracted." I muttered, returning to my formula.

"From what?" She asked. I sighed, dropping my pen onto the paper and turned to face her.

"Peter acted really weird before we left the café... And he wouldn't tell me where he was going he just said he was, quote, 'going to fix everything.'" I repeated Peter's words, using my fingers to make air quotations.

"You don't think he'd do something dangerous do you?" MJ asked cocking an eyebrow at me in suspicion.

"I don't-"

My words died on my tongue as a harsh shiver ran up my spine. I frantically pushed myself off of the carpet, huffing irregularly as I scanned MJ's room. My body twitched in irritation. Something wasn't right... But I have no idea what. MJ's voice had faded out into dull muffled whispers, fazing into the background. My body went suddenly ridged, my fingers clutching my pants tightly. Just as suddenly as my body tensed it loosened. MJ's voice returned to my ears, hearing her call my name in concern made me glance at her.

"I'm okay." I assured her. My breathing still coming out in constructive huffs.

"What was that?" She frantically asked, slipping down onto the floor landing in front of me.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, glancing to the shut door. "But something's still not sitting right. I need to go." I told her, meeting her worried gaze again. "I'm sorry, but I need to find out what in the world just happened." I pushed myself up onto my feet and made for the door. But a wave of guilt rushed over me making me pause.

"It's okay, go." MJ said with a curt nod. I nodded back, ripping open her door and slamming it behind me.


The bad feeling nestled in my gut lead me down into the sewers below the city. It was smelly and gross, every step I took was a squelch beneath my boots.

I had donned a new and improved suit in my rush to follow my gut. I had black leggings and corset I had sported before. But instead of a cape like skirt flowing from my waist a cropped dark purple jacket had wrapped tightly around my arms and shoulder. And to top it all off my dark purple that matched my jacket crown sat perched on top of my head. I had ditched the mask now that everyone knew who I was underneath it... I didn't see much point anymore.

I heard the water slosh behind me, my eyes glancing to the left. I didn't want to gain the suspicion of whatever was down here with me that I was onto it. I kept taking slow steps forwards, making sure to keep my ears sharp.

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