Chapter 2 - Fundraiser

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"When, when I blipped back to my apartment, the family that was living there was very confused." May started her small speech to the crowd. Peter was stood to her right clad in his IronSpider armor while I stood on her left wearing my semi-newly acquired suit. May had asked us to be publicity figures for Feast, help promote everything. "The wife thought I was a mistress. The grandma thought that I was a ghost. It was, it was really a mess. Thank you for coming out to support those who have been displaced by the blip. And of course thanks to our very own New York superheros."

The small crowd broke out into applause as May stepped back from the microphone, giving us the opportunity to speak. Peter gave them all a robotic wave while I gingerly waved at them all. Peter placed his hand back on his hip before May glanced between the two of us, motioning her head towards the mic. He awkwardly edged his way in front of the microphone, clearing his throat, effectively silencing the crowd.

"Thank you, Miss Parker, for having us." He quietly mumbled into the mic, motioning his hand back to where May stood. "And thank you, you guys, for having us." He continued, slowly raising his two thumbs up. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face, my heart swelling in my chest at his cuteness. He stepped back, letting May take the mic again. The crowd applauded as she started to speak.

"And thank you guys. And they'll be right back out to take photos and videos. Thank you!" She told the crowd making them applaud again as we all waved a small goodbye.

The 3 of us filed through the curtain to the backstage portion, May sliding it closed behind us. Peter's mask quickly retracted off of his face, spinning around to face May. Rolling my shoulders back my suit quickly came off in a bright purple light traveling up my body, leaving me in jeans and a plain T-shirt.

"That was amazing." Peter gushed as he and May swapped places, giving each other a swift high five.

"That was great!" May gushed right back. I smiled softly at them both, leaning back to rest against one of the steel benches.

"Oh, that was so cool. I was so nervous." Peter continued, whipping back around to face May.

"Sorry I was a little stiff. I felt like I wasn't in the pocket." May explained, jiggling her shoulder to loosen herself up.

"No, I thought you did great."

"Yeah, well, I actually did think you were a little stiff."

"Yea," Peter shrugged, "I felt that too. I felt that too." I let a small chuckle pass my lips gaining his attention for a split second, a happy smile forming on his lips.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine." May assured him, once again shaking her shoulders.

"Okay." Peter breathed out glancing back to her.

"Did you get your passport?" May suddenly asked, my smile instantly evacuating my face. I nervously bit my lip, we still had to have that conversation... I sighed as Peter took a quick glance at me before answering May's question.

"Yeah." He nodded like nothing was wrong.

"Mini toothpaste?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Y/n, you all packed?" She asked, turning to face me.

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