Chapter 7 - Cures

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With 3 clicks the door to Happy's apartment swung open. I politely motioned with my hand for our visitors to enter first, May doing the same thing while Peter held the door. Slowly one by one they all began to enter the apartment where we'd be helping them all with their unique problems. Norman entered first followed by Octavius, Max, who glared at the camera mounted on the wall as he entered, and finally Marko trailed in, literally leaving a trail. Connors, we found out the lizards name was, apparently wanted to wait down in the Feast truck we used to get here. Me and May went in front of Peter since he still held the door open for us. All three of us stopped in the doorway, scanning the apartment that didn't belong to any of us now filled with villains.

"Okay. I feel kinda bad using Happy's place like this." Peter mumbled to May so no one else would hear him besides me and May.

"No, no, no, no. He'll get over it." May waved off.

My eyes moved away from May and Pete back to our guests. Max threw his hand towards the TV making it quickly come alive, the anchor lady sprouting something about the new Statue of Liberty renovations. Marko had sat down on the small couch me and Peter have been sleeping on, sand flaking off of his form and onto the black couch. He tried to sweep it off but more sand only fell from his hand making the whole situation worse.

"So this is your plan, Peter? Mmm?" Octavius mocked, his own mechanical octopus arm coiled tightly around his body keeping his arms flush to his sides. "No lab, no facilities, just preforming miracles in a condominium? What, you're gonna cook up some cures, some frozen burritos in a microwave?"

"I could go for a burrito." Norman called out from behind him, he was stood next to Dum-E tinkering with him intrigued.

"They're gonna kill us all." Octavius spat over his shoulder at Norman.

"Well, let's hope not." Peter shrugged, wandering towards the back room. "You're up first, Doc." Peter said walking past him and giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"What?" Octavius yelled after a retreating Peter. "Hey, I told you. I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing! Especially from some teenagers using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer." Octavius continued to snap as I rolled my eyes and wandered after Peter into the back room.

"No, no, no, no. He got something back there. I can feel it. I got weird energy..." I heard Max mutter from the main room.

Peter quickly ripped the white sheet that he used a month ago as a towel off the piece of Stark tech hidden underneath.

"What the hell is that?" Norman asked entering the room, Max and May trailing in behind him.

"It's a fabricator." Peter answered simply pressing the button on the top making the machine click to life. It slowly started to intricately fold outwards as Peter continued to speak. "It can analyse, design, construct... basically anything."

"I thought that was the tanning bed Happy broke." May muttered out. The machine neared close to being fully stretched out revealing a small desk space and a bright shiney mark 3 arc reactor sat in the middle.

"Look at that." Max mumbled quietly but I caught it, I glanced at him suspiciously, he was basically drooling over the thing.

A loud crash echoed out throughout the apartment making me jolt backwards out of reflex. As the machine had fully unfolded itself it had smashed into the wall behind it going through the kitchen wall.

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