Chapter 7 - Hijacked

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Getting packed back up to leave Venice was easy, given that I really didn't unpack in the first place. But standing around waiting for everyone else to get packed, that was a lot harder. Had everyone's suitcase exploded overnight?

I groaned throwing me head back against the hard concrete wall, the dull thud making MJ wince beside me. I slowly rolled my head to face her with a silly grin, that's when I noticed the to go cup in her hand.

"Are you drinking another espresso?" I asked, frowning my brows at her despite the large grin.

"No..." She trailed off, pulling the cup into her chest as if she was protecting it from me. "They're really good okay!" She suddenly broke, making me let out a gleeful chuckle.

Betty suddenly arrived back at her bag sat just in front of me and MJ so my laugh subsidied, my lips moving into a polite smile. Betty returned the happy grin as she started to dig through her bag before pulling some bottle of pills out. I didn't want to intrude since I didn't know her all too well so instead diverted my gaze up to the sky, getting temporarily blinded by the sun. Slowly shutting my eyes I basked in the early morning light streaming down on my face. I was feeling a lot better today, rest will do that though.

"Good news. We're going to Prague, huh?" Mr. Harrington appeared in the doorway, slapping Peter on the chest as he weaseled through him and Ned.

"Wait, what?" My eyes widened as his words seeped into my brain. This could not be a coincidence, could it? I took a nervous glance at Peter while the rest of the class expressed their confusion. Peter's eyes locked with mine, harboring the same concern and confusion as I'm sure mine did.

"Yeah. Tour company called." Mr. Harrington's voice snapped both myself and Peter out of our gaze, bringing our attention back to him. "They upgraded us. You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell."

"All I heard was crying." Mr. Dell added on.

Nervously I ran my tongue over my bottom lip as Mr. Harrington ushered us all to follow after him. Yanking my duffle bag over my shoulder I slowly followed after the group, lagging behind to catch up with Peter.

"You don't think..? Do you?" I whispered to peter once I'd arrived at his side. He let out a nervous chuckle, but offered no words.

We walked down the street beside the canal from the hotel and around the corner where our bus was supposedly waiting. As we rounded the corner my lips parted in shock. A lavish black bus sat on the shoulder of the road, the man Fury had introduced as Dimitri leaning back on it just beside the door. Though the bus was nice I couldn't help but feel like we were getting kidnapped. I let out a sigh as me, Peter and Ned came to a stop while the rest of the class scrambled for the big bus.

"Oh, come on." Peter sighed.

"What's going on?" Ned asked, glancing between Peter and me.

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation." Peter sighed once again while I squeezed my eyes shut as if it would make the bus just disappear. As much as I hated to admit it I really just needed this holiday to be relaxing, not having to fight any monsters or bad guys, just me, Peter, Ned and MJ in Europe for 2 weeks.

"Awesome." Ned's voice caused my eyes to open back up. I watched him walk towards the bus and followed after him, Peter trailing behind me.

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