Chapter 3 - This can't last forever

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"Peter?" I mumbled looking down to our entangled fingers. He just hummed in response, continuing to play with my fingers. "You know this can't last forever, right?" He instantly stopped fiddling but refused to meet my eyes. "We've been lucky so far... that luck can't last forever. Our run-ins with the zombies are getting more and more dangerous. That's gonna lead to one of us getting bitten."

"I'm gonna protect you, whether you're one of them or not." He said finally shifting so he was meeting my soft gaze. I flashed him a smile and held on tighter to his fingers linked through mine.

"You know I'm going to protect you too." He barely nodded before he started to lean closer to me, but it wasn't done.

"We've gotta be strong." Yet again he just hummed in response, he was so close to me that the tip of his nose was directly next to mine. I smiled before leaning that little bit closer and connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. At the moment there really wasn't any lust for each other all our romantic encounters were just loving. We both shifted in our seats slightly so we were properly facing each other to giving the kiss a little more pressure.

Suddenly my whole body went numb. I froze, my hand going limp in his. My eyes got forced back open so I was staring at Peter's face. He obviously noticed me freeze because he pulled away and frowned at me. My eyes quickly blacked over and in a second I was taken into the inky abyss.

"Sharon's not gonna make it. You might want to go check on her and Bucky." My other half whispered darkly in my ear, she chuckled at me before I was brought back to the train.

I scrunched my eyes closed and blinked rapidly to get rid of my blurry vision. Peter was worriedly staring at me, his hands on each side of my neck supporting my head. Okoye had also arrived at some point since she was leaning over the seat also frowning at me.

"Baby, what happened?" Peter asked his eyes glancing between mine. A sudden high pitched scream interrupted my thoughts as my head shot to the opposite end of the train.

"Sharon." I muttered before slipping out of Peter's grip and pushing past Okoye. I didn't waste any time in sprinting to the other end of the train, the other two close behind.

The door slid open just after green goo splattered onto the glass. Hope stood in the entrance to the car covered from head to toe in green goo. I couldn't help but scrunch up my nose, the smell was horrendous.

"Uh, guys, I'm covered in Sharon." Hope groaned wiggling her arms before standing up properly.

"The kid has hand sanitizer." Okoye said nodding to Peter. Hope retracted he helmet her breathing heavy as she tried not to focus too much on the smell. Banner and Kurt, probably hearing the commotion, came jogging through the door.

"Uh, Hope?" Banner said making everyone's attention go to him. "I think you're in trouble." My heart constricted when my eyes followed Bruce's and landed on the nick in her suit, a small cut on her revealed shoulder.


"Heart rates elevated, temperatures not going in the right direction." Bruce said somberly as two of my fingers ran over my bottom lip nervously.

"Then we both know what you have to do." Hope grunted shifting on the medical bed.

"Y/n, can you do anything?" Bruce asked making my eyes dart up to him before I frowned. "You know, slow the infection."

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