Chapter 6 - Who said I needed to win?

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May slowed the truck down, pulling over to the sidewalk outside the Sanctum.

"Thanks, May." Norman grinned opening the door. "Hope to see you again." Norman slid out of the Feast truck, I swiftly followed after him not before sending May a thankful nod and smile.

Once Peter got out as well, after a brief conversation with May, the 3 of us wandered back down into the undercroft. Ned and MJ were staring at Ned's laptop before they noticed us and stood up.

"Um, guys, this is Mr. Osborn." Peter introduced Norman to them.

"Uh, it's Doctor." Norman corrected pointing his index finger at Peter.

"Sorry. Um... Dr. Osborn, these are our friends, Ned and MJ." Ned briefly, looking a little scared, waved at Norman.

"Mary Jane?" Norman questioned frowning his brows.

"Uh, it's Michelle Jones, actually." MJ corrected him like he had to Peter.

"Fascinating." Norman whispered out as he turned to face the cells with our visitors contained within. Seemingly intrigued he started to wander his way over to the them.

"Do you think there are other Ned Leedses?" Ned asked, plopping himself back down in his chair.

"Stop concealing information from me." A harsh voice commanded in my head. I huffed out a strained breath as I grasped my head, my lips beginning to tremble.

"You okay?" Peter asked. I quickly dropped my hand and forced a wobbly smile on my face.

"I'm fine." I assured him.

"Octavius?" Norman's voice caught my attention, thankful for the distraction from Peter's concerned gaze and the voice calling to me.

"Osborn?" Octavius turned around in his cell facing the still free man.

"What... What happened to you?" Norman stuttered out.

"What happened to... You're the walking corpse." Octavius spat back at him.

"What do you, what do you mean?"

"You died, Norman. Years ago." It was an understatement to say that my interests were peaked. It was impossible to pull my eyes away from their conversation.

"You're insane." Norman shook his head, confused amusement was the best way to describe his tone of voice.

"God, I love it here." The electric man grinned from inside his cell.

"What are you talking about? He's standing right there. He's not..." Peter spoke up taking a step forward.

"Dead." Marko interjected from his cell. "They both died, fighting Spider-Man." Octavius and Norman both turned to face the man made of sand wide eyed. "It was all over the news. Green Goblin, impaled by the glider he flew around on. And a couple years later... you. Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine."

"That's nonsense!" Octavius yelled out. "Spider-Man was trying to stop my fusion reactor. So I stopped him." He spat, holding up his hand like he had his fingers wrapped around someone's neck. "I had him, by the throat... And then, I..." His foul scowl slowly melted off his face, turning into realisation. "And then I was here."

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