Chapter 1 - They do nothing

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My alarm blaring in my ears snapped me out of my daze, I'd been staring at the ceiling for hours. Blinking harshly a few times I cleared my eyes and sat up straight in my bed, clicking the alarm on my phone off. There wasn't much point in getting up but I still felt like it was necessary, I had a strange feeling resting in my gut, especially about today.

A pent up breath exited my lungs as I pushed myself to the side of my bed. Leaning forward I rested my elbows on my knees as my hands harshly racked through my hair, yanking at the ends. Once my hands landed on the sides of my neck I looked up, catching my own gaze in the mirror on the outside of my wardrobe. Shit I looked awful. My skin was paler than usual, dark circles hung underneath my eyes, my hair was slightly stringy and my cheekbones were more accentuated due to malnourishment. Sighing lowly I pushed myself to my feet, wobbling ever so softly as I began to make my way towards my kitchen.

Once arriving at my desired destination I immediately put the kettle on, in preparation for a lovely cup of tea to drown my sorrows in. The kettle popped just as I retrieved my cup and teabag. Placing the teabag in my cup I swiftly poured boiling water over it to release the flavour. As I placed the kettle back down my eyes caught the plastic pill bottle sitting against the wall on my bench. I sighed, shaking my head and ripping my eyes away from it. I removed the teabag from my cup, throwing it in my small bin. I pressed my back against the bench as I gingerly took a sip of my hot drink, the liquid burning my throat as it went down. But once again my eyes travelled back to the plastic bottle.

"Maybe today." I sighed reaching for the bottle and popped off the cap. I let one of the dull pills land in my awaiting hand and swiftly threw it back into my mouth. My eyes sealed shut as I washed the pill down with another sip of boiling tea.

"They don't work do they?" I knew that voice anywhere, Wanda. Peeling my eyes open I found that I was correct, my sister was staring at me from across my island bench dressed to the nines in her suit which was much darker in colour now. I couldn't help but notice the inky black stains on her fingertips. I'd seen them before when I visited her out in her orchard, it was a hard sight to get used to.

"They do nothing. Absolutely nothing." I gritted my teeth together as I spoke, my voice cracking only for a split second.

"Prescription or-"

"Why are you here?" I asked, cutting her off. It was unusual for her to come here. Our normal arrangement was that I visit her at her orchard for a cup of tea. She's never once visited me in my apartment and I wouldn't expect her to show up in her suit if it wasn't serious. A smile crossed Wanda's face as she stared at me.

"I came to ask you a question. Are you happy?" She asked, my lips parted as my eyes flicked to the counter in front of me.

"Does it look like I'm happy?" I huffed out, looking back up to meet her eyes and motioning my hand to the bottle of antidepressants on the bench.

"I can offer you happiness." My eyes narrowed in suspicion, she seemed to notice my hesitation. "You're familiar with the Darkhold so, you're surely familiar with the girl who has the power to travel the multiverse."

"America Chavez." I confirmed with a nod of my head.

"Are you happy?" She repeated, looking down to her black tipped fingers.

"You already asked me that." I returned dryly, crossing my arms over my chest. A small smile crossed her face as she looked up to meet my gaze.

Experimental (Peter Parker x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ