Chapter 3 - Other 'other me'

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"You okay?" Strange panted out. I pushed myself up onto my knees, ripping my eyes away from the beautiful sky and over to America sitting on the opposite side of Strange to me.

"You saved me." America replied, also out of breath.

"I hope so." Strange muttered out before pushing myself to stand.

"I don't know if either of you have noticed but we are in no way saved." I grumbled, pushing myself up onto my feet too. America followed suit as I shook my head and rested my hands on my hips. We were no better off here than there.

"Surprised neither of you puked." America spoke up, glancing between me and Strange.

"It's not my first weird trip, kid." Strange responded. I let out a sigh and turned my attention back out onto the horizon. The buildings even seemed different here, where or whenever here is. Everything looked so much greener. "So, this is New York in the Multiver-" Strange started but cut himself off by gagging.

I casually looked over my shoulder as Strange hunched over a chimney and emptied his stomach into it. I rolled my eyes at him and returned my gaze in front of me.

"There it is." America mumbled behind me.

I felt absolutely fine and had no intention of vomiting. My eyes raked over the cityscape as Strange continued to throw up his lunch. Every building was sleek in design and most had plants growing from one section or another. I wasn't one hundred percent sure where we were in New York, not recognizing a single building around us.

"Ugh, crap!" Strange groaned. I let out a sigh and slowly spun around on my heels to face him. He tried to watch his mouth but his cloak helped him out instead. "Cut it out." Strange scolded it. He grabbed it over his shoulder and spun it around so he could see the back of it, including the hole I'm assuming Wanda had blasted in it. "Yeah. You got dinged up." In one motion he threw it back over his shoulders. "We'll get you fixed."

"Enough of this." I grumbled, sick of wasting time in this stupid universe. "America, you need to take us back there, now." I told her straight, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at her.

"Wha-? I don't know how." America stumbled over her words, seemingly nervous.

"What do you mean you don't know how?" I asked, gritting my teeth and taking a step closer to her. I watched as she took a step back in response to my advance.

"America, you just did it." Strange brought up, directing her attention back to him.

"Not on purpose." She tried to defend herself.

"Wong is back there alone with Wanda and I'm the only hope he has." Strange yelled at her, making me direct my eyes to him. Wong's only hope is us getting back there.

"I can't control my powers..." She explained.

"So, what? We're just stuck here?" I seethed. "All because you can't control your Goddamned powers? You need to grow up and sort it out like the rest of us. You're fourteen for God's sacks." I yelled at the girl who slightly cowered before me. I watched her gulp and take another step away from me. "Even I could control them." She suddenly sucked in a breath, taking more steps away from me.

I let out a loud grunt as I spun around again, not wanting to look at her. I could feel Strange's eyes on the back of my head, making me softly shake it. Maybe I was a little harsh... I let out a sigh to calm myself down and pinched the bridge of my nose, sealing my eyes shut.

"Fine. I'm sorry, kid. I didn't mean it, okay?" I spoke over my shoulder, still refusing to turn around and meet either of their gazes. America didn't reply, all I heard was Strange let out a harsh sigh through his nose.

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