Chapter 4 - Theoretically

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"Okay. Okay, I've got it." Monica chimed snapping the lid of her whiteboard marker closed. We've been at this for an hour, trying to figure out how to safely get back into Westview. I hummed in replied shifting my gaze from the steel table up to her. "What I need is a 10,000-pound fallout shelter comprised of lead for photons, cadmium for neutrons, tantalum for seismic blasts on wheels." Me, Darcy and Monica all let out a small exasperated sigh. "And then I would be able to safely re-enter Westview. Right?" Monica asked, glancing between me and Darcy. I looked up to the ceiling, licking my lips as I thought.

"Yes..." I trailed off.

"Theoretically." Darcy quickly added making me nod.

"I can work with theoretically." Monica chimed holding both her hands out as she turned back to the board. I half heartedly smiled at her before dropping it and looking back down to the table.

Thankfully we had briefly pushed aside the fact that I might be going to prison for aiding Wanda in breaking the Accords. But it was still a thought in my mind. I needed the end of that security tape to prove our innocence for that particular crime but... I have no idea where to get it from. Hayward hates me so I can't just go and ask for it exactly.

"What'd I miss?" Jimmy's voice called as he entered our wee alcove, four coffees in hand. He set them down on the table and immediately set one in front of Darcy and myself. I smiled as a thanks and took the cup in my hands.

"The twins aged up to ten." Darcy said taking her cup as well.

"Holy Christmas. At this rate, they'll be empty nesters by dinner time." Jimmy chimed making a small smile flash on my face.

"But the thing is, Wanda doesn't seem to be in control of the boys. They're just them, I can hear their thoughts." I mumbled out looking down to the cup in my hand. I frowned as I heard Billy's laugh in my head. Normally I block out people's thoughts but I'm purposefully tapping into them, Wanda and Vision so I can keep a distant eye on them all.

"I know an aerospace engineer who'd be up for this challenge." Monica suddenly said turning to look at us, a large grin etched on her face. She took a look at the board before stepping up to our table and picking up her phone, beginning to text her engineer.

"But I can't guarantee the hex won't just mind-wipe you as you go in." Darcy said, placing her cup down on the table. I hummed in agreement as I took a sip of the bitter coffee.

"Wait. What's the hex?" Monica asked looking up from her phone.

"Oh, um, it's what I'm calling the anomaly because of it's hexagonal shape." Darcy explained with a smile, clearly proud of herself. "It's starting to catch on." She said looking to Monica who nodded lightly and looked to Jimmy and me. I watched Jimmy out of the corner of my eyes slowly start to shake his head. I huffed a giggle and brought my cup up to my lips to hide my smile. "You really wanna go back in there? After everything she's put you through?" That made my smile swiftly disappear.

"Yeah." Monica replied, dropping her phone down onto the table. "Yes, I do." She nodded, I smiled lightly at her, thankful that she wanted to help my sister this much.

"Have we identified these minors yet?" Jimmy asked getting up out of his seat next to me and making his way to the TV. "Or the newborns?" He added pointing at the boys on the screen.

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