Chapter 13 - Final boss

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"All right, comms check. Can you hear me kids?" Happy asked as we approached the Tower Bridge. I stood on the inside of the plane meanwhile Peter was clinging to the side of it like a bug on a windscreen.

"Check." I responded, glancing towards Happy in the cockpit before casting my gaze back out the side window.

"Yeah, I can. It's just a little loud out here." Peter yelled through the comms, the wind breaking up his words as it whipped past him.

"I like the new suit." Happy complimented. I had to agree that it was nice. His classic red but unlike his other suit Tony had given him the blue panels were replaced with black.


My breath hitched as we flew close enough to be able to see what we were about to fight. It was absolutely massive, the size of the entire Tower Bridge. It looked like all the 'Elementals'  had combined and formed the final boss in a video game. A hurricane looking face, limbs made from pieces broken off from the surrounding shoreline and the bridge itself. Fire trailed up it's extended limbs every now and then as well as water. I gulped staring down at it. It's not real, I reminded myself.

"Whoa, Peter, you sure that's not real?" Happy asked nervously.

"Yeah, it's just a 100 times bigger than I expected." Peter responded, huffing like he was out of breath from the wind clawing at him.

"Still the play?"

"Uh-huh. We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see us coming."

"Copy. Stay sticky." Happy nodded, maneuvering the plane so we started to ascend up into the sky and above the hurricane of black smoke, fire and water.

"Hey, Happy." Peter puffed as I placed my palms flat against the door of the plane. God, I really hope this works.

"Yeah, kid. What is it?" Happy responded still climbing higher.

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my AAUNT!" Peter's voice suddenly screamed out; milliseconds later I saw him whip past the window, shooting down like a bullet towards the ground.

I chuckled shaking my head as I concentrated. The metal around my hands started to glitch with purple TV static and before I knew it I fell forwards, out the other side of the door. Holy crap! I yelled out victoriously as I began to plummet back down towards the earth. My legs and arms pulling back so my entire body formed a straight line, slicing me through the air faster.

My mask formed over my face from purple mist as I drew closer to the bridge. In a swift motion I shifted my legs to down below me instead of behind to make my landing much easier. Igniting my hands I leveled myself and flew myself through the gap of the Elementals limbs, landing with a burst of purple energy surrounding my feet before spreading out and smashing into nearby cars.

"Woah..." I muttered to myself, gazing up at the underbelly of the large monster peering down at me menacingly. "Happy, the bus is gone. I'd check Flash's live." I informed Happy.

"Copy." Was all he replied with and all he really needed to reply with.

"Come on, Baby." I mumbled staring up at the thing waiting for my chance to actually see the drones.

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