Chapter 5 - Water monster

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The sudden large explosion of water within the canel caused water to lap over the sidewalks and burst through buildings. Betty and Ned's boat that they were on even came rushing towards us mounting the footpath. We all scrabbled to help them carefully but quickly get out of the boat. I pushed Betty to move in the direction away from the water and as I was doing so a loud growl sounded from the water. I whipped back around to face it only to see water accumulating in the air and forming some kind of water monster.

"You've got to be kinding me." I mumbled in a slight sigh. I then felt something latch onto my wrist, making me glance up at MJ who was holding onto me, trying to pull me with her.

"We need to go." She urged but I couldn't leave.

"Then go. I'll be right behind you." I told her pulling my wrist from her grasp. I watched her eyes scan my face only making my breathing more unsteady. "Go!" I yelled, finally she returned to earth and grabbed onto Betty instead, Ned quickly joining them both. "What do we do?" I asked frantically turning to Peter.

"I don't know." He breathed out clearly just as panicked as I was. A random person stumbled as the ground beneath our feet shook; the monster made of water started pounding his fists into the surrounding buildings. I quickly rushed to help her up, handing her bag back to her and ushering for her to get to safety.

Once all the pedestrians were out of our immediate vicinity we both looked back towards the... thing we had to fight.

"We need a plan!" I yelled over the chaos. I don't know if it was my shouting or not but something caught the monsters attention making it look directly at us.

"Oh my God." Peter fumbled, scurrying backwards and yanking on my arm to follow him. We sprinted around the corner just as the thing pounded it's fist into where we were standing mere seconds ago. "You still have your suit right?"

"Of course but if I put it on now everyone's going to see me do so and see me with you." I explained raising my arms above my head as a small amount of dust fell from the building above.

"Right. Yeah. Course." Peter mumbled, his eyes scanning me like he was deep in his brain trying to think of something to do. "Okay." He said nodding his head before he slapped his wrists together making his web shooters appear. Letting out a pent up breath to calm himself down he sprung around the corner and fired a web at the thing. But of course it went straight through, it was made of water... Therefore anything I did to attack it would have the same effect, none.

The thing whipped around to face us both, probably seeing where the stray web came from. But it seemed to get it's attention pulled away extremely quickly. It instead turned to face the bridge full of screaming people who were scrambling to get off.

"Oh, no, you don't." Peter mumbled before he went sprinting towards the path he could clearly see to get to the bridge in time. I let out a sigh having been left alone, my brain running at a thousand miles per hour to think of some solution.

"Come on, think dammit." I muttered to myself, scanning the surrounding area. "Срање." I cursed having come up dry.


I glanced back towards the water monster seeing it winding it's fist back ready to punch an unsuspecting Peter. Without a second thought I rolled my shoulders back, my sleek suit swiftly covering my street clothes. Flicking my wrists I teleported myself directly in front of him and started to form a massive shield. It's like I was seeing my magic form in slow motion. The monster still reached forward and threw it's fist at my shield. It's fist slipping through the centre of my shield and sending us flying backwards in a wave of water. Our backs hit the concrete wall behind us in unison causing me to cough violently, I hastily started trying to suck in air that had left my lung. My gaze flicked down to my dripping hands as I held them up in front of me. I was too slow...

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